Eric B
Well-Known Member
46 year old most-likely Aspie, unofficially diagnosed by my wife (who just got her second Master's in psychology; second because the state raised some requirement for a license, or something) who identified the symptoms. So it explains everything in my life. She also got me into temperament, which also explains a lot, and by extension, MBTI, and Jungian theory. I've written extensively on this. (I think found the board when the MBTI thread came up in a search).
Operate NYC Subway trains, which is one of my lifelong interests, growing up riding them (pressing the adult to take me to the front; not most front or "railfan" windows are obscured by full width operator's cabs). I like it, but the job is really controlling, and they are constantly cracking down on us for things. So easy to make serious mistakes. But I've been performing well.
Perhaps the poster child for out whole syndrome, is Darius McCollum, who is so interested in trains that he is known for stealing subway trains (And now he's moved into railroads, and even Trailways more recently). Was never THAT much into them. Did wonder what it was like, but was always more interested in the different equipment (different car classes that run on different lines), and what lines ran where, when service would be changed.
So rather than trying to steal trains, I waited until the position was opened to the public (it used to be promotional only for MTA workers such as Conductor or Cleaner), which was 2000/2001. So I've been here for 11 years now.
I'm right now going through a very difficult midlife crisis, pretty the fallout from a difficult life with people, and particularly teens, and being regarded as weird by most peers, no girls (first date at 26, and she's the one I married), and parents and other authority figures just blaming all my problems on me and pushing me to change.
I've all along had the typical problems; motor skill problems, too intensely into my interests for everyone around me (though my wife is coming to accept it more and more), constant problems with people, and now pretty much having no close friends at all; social life is completely in internet forum posts involving my interests, (wife long feels neglected), need to flex certain muscles in a way not typical of others, etc.
I've been to a couple of the local GRASP meetings (And the Global and NYC Yahoo lists) and just fell away. There are a lot of people there who are worse off than me, and I saw myself in them, though in exaggerated form, and it's hard to see for me. (Like at the meetings, this one guy was rehashing some conflict at an earlier meeting or convention or something, and that's something I would do in the right circumstances).
The topics here looked more interesting than the Yahoo lists (which seem to be an internet format that's fading anyway), hence, I figured I'd join.
Was so desperate, I confided in a "friend" online who seemed so accepting, but then I spilled too much (including my wife's concerns about her), it caused problems on both ends, and the friendship had to end, so I'm depressed about that these days, along with the rest of the midlife thing. (Trying to understand it in light of Jungian concepts such as the "anima").
These are my primary pages (with links to everything else):
ERIC T B Index
Also, I had started to join from my phone at a lunch break on work, but then figured I'd wait until I got home. So when I typed in the address, I left off the "s" in the middle, and ended up on the other forum (which I also saw at the same time), and thought it was this forum, joined, but then found it was filled with spam. I then figured it must be "aspies" instead of "aspie"; added the s, and then found this site. I don't know how to cancel the registration of the other one.
Does anyone know about that site? Is it phishing or something? What should I do about it?
Operate NYC Subway trains, which is one of my lifelong interests, growing up riding them (pressing the adult to take me to the front; not most front or "railfan" windows are obscured by full width operator's cabs). I like it, but the job is really controlling, and they are constantly cracking down on us for things. So easy to make serious mistakes. But I've been performing well.
Perhaps the poster child for out whole syndrome, is Darius McCollum, who is so interested in trains that he is known for stealing subway trains (And now he's moved into railroads, and even Trailways more recently). Was never THAT much into them. Did wonder what it was like, but was always more interested in the different equipment (different car classes that run on different lines), and what lines ran where, when service would be changed.
So rather than trying to steal trains, I waited until the position was opened to the public (it used to be promotional only for MTA workers such as Conductor or Cleaner), which was 2000/2001. So I've been here for 11 years now.
I'm right now going through a very difficult midlife crisis, pretty the fallout from a difficult life with people, and particularly teens, and being regarded as weird by most peers, no girls (first date at 26, and she's the one I married), and parents and other authority figures just blaming all my problems on me and pushing me to change.
I've all along had the typical problems; motor skill problems, too intensely into my interests for everyone around me (though my wife is coming to accept it more and more), constant problems with people, and now pretty much having no close friends at all; social life is completely in internet forum posts involving my interests, (wife long feels neglected), need to flex certain muscles in a way not typical of others, etc.
I've been to a couple of the local GRASP meetings (And the Global and NYC Yahoo lists) and just fell away. There are a lot of people there who are worse off than me, and I saw myself in them, though in exaggerated form, and it's hard to see for me. (Like at the meetings, this one guy was rehashing some conflict at an earlier meeting or convention or something, and that's something I would do in the right circumstances).
The topics here looked more interesting than the Yahoo lists (which seem to be an internet format that's fading anyway), hence, I figured I'd join.
Was so desperate, I confided in a "friend" online who seemed so accepting, but then I spilled too much (including my wife's concerns about her), it caused problems on both ends, and the friendship had to end, so I'm depressed about that these days, along with the rest of the midlife thing. (Trying to understand it in light of Jungian concepts such as the "anima").
These are my primary pages (with links to everything else):
ERIC T B Index
Also, I had started to join from my phone at a lunch break on work, but then figured I'd wait until I got home. So when I typed in the address, I left off the "s" in the middle, and ended up on the other forum (which I also saw at the same time), and thought it was this forum, joined, but then found it was filled with spam. I then figured it must be "aspies" instead of "aspie"; added the s, and then found this site. I don't know how to cancel the registration of the other one.
Does anyone know about that site? Is it phishing or something? What should I do about it?