Ah! I didn't expect this much of a response! Thank you, all!
Every square has one of four stanzas of the runic "translation" of the Icelandic version of the Poetic Edda. Goodness me that was one hell of a sentence to write out...
Under the gecko you'll find: "Better a house, | though a hut it be,
A man is master at home;
A pair of goats | and a patched-up roof
Are better far than begging."
Under the lion you'll find: "Cattle die, | and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
One thing now | that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds."
Under the owl you'll find: "A little sand | has a little sea,
And small are the minds of men;
Though all men are not | equal in wisdom,
Yet half-wise only are all." -... Sounds a little stuck-up, but has more to do with patience, to me.
And under the bear-paw you'll find: "The witless man | is awake all night,
Thinking of many things;
Care-worn he is | when the morning comes,
And his woe is just as it was." -... To... Basically tell myself to stop worrying so much.
Naturally the colours, animals and the positioning of the stanzas mean something to me personally, but I won't bore you with the details. Thanks for the interest in it, though!
It sounds like you have moved around a lot, bet that's interesting but maybe challenging too?
(I'm sorry, I often think way too far ahead when typing and talking, so I accidentaly upped the amount of migrations by one. I edited the first post, but prefer to be honest about the mistake)
I have! I'm thinking about posting a thread about it, since the first migration has left its very ugly scar, still, and I could use some help on dealing with it all. It's honestly wonderful to have experience with it, but it has been a serious ordeal. It's tough to learn a new language, but it's many times tougher to learn a country's culture.
My first run has been from the Netherlands to New Zealand, at the age of 15. My parents did all the managing there, so I had very little idea of what was going on, just that I had less school at the time
My second run has been from New Zealand to Sweden, to live with my husband, with whom I'd only had an online relationship with for eight years at the time.
Now I want to move back to New Zealand, but take my husband with me. ... I mean, it might not count as a migration because I'm going "back", but I've still lived in Sweden long enough to pick up its culture.
Again, thank you for all the welcomes to everyone else! I hope you'll understand that you're really making me feel welcome and supported in a time of need, even if it's just a simple message to you.