My name is Jennifer I've been diagnosed with autism level two and I've been going since January 22, 2013 then I recently found this site and decided to check it out. And it looks great. I love American girl dolls my little pony and doc mcstuffins. I also used to like punky Brewster and the outsiders book and movie before liking my little pony and doc McStuffins. My original special interests when I was originally diagnosed were punky Brewster and American girl dolls. But it is changed and I do not watch punky Brewster anymore though I still like it. I am currently in 11th grade and in home and hospital. I recently took the ADOS but that did not work out well. I am diagnosed as autism level two by a child psychiatrist and go to special recreation programs for people with developmental disabilities. My grandmother takes care of me almost 24 seven and she doesn't know I understand autism that well at all but my uncle does a little bit. I have problems with ADLs and waking up in the morning I have problems with school because I think I can't pass the regents but some people think I can. I have a bear and headphones that I take with me pretty much everywhere I go.