Hi I'm Mwiche and I think I may have Aspergers I ended up researching it one day after a classmate told me he had it and then I was reading up on the info on females with it and I identified with it, right now I'm on the fence because I feel wrong, you see I know a girl with high-functioning autism and my friends brother has it but I feel like me saying I have it is like wrong now I wasn't lying about identifying but is that enough to get diagnosed. I've been reading up on it and it's all I've been really focused on my obsession I guess I've gone to sites for help here is one of them: Think You Might Have Asperger?s Syndrome? | Life on the Spectrum, I am the first comment and there you can see Leigh the creator of the site's reply to my comment. I'm sorry if I didn't do a very good job of introducing myself I really am and if you think I'm lying or anything I understand too