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Hi Im new here and Im not sure what I have exactly.


Active Member
A few years ago I watched a documentary on autism. It was the first time I had been introduced to autism itself and It immediately caught my attention. I could totally relate to all the people in the documentary. Even though they're cases were more on the extreme spectrum of autism, I still felt very connected with the people. It was about 6 months later that I was first formerly introduced to the term asperger syndrome. For the last few years I have been telling myself that I have aspergers but recently I've had second thoughts. The reasons why I have doubts is because I have read online some of the typical symptoms of an aspie. For instance, I am fairly good at body language, atleast from my perspective. I also don't seem to have any obsessions like sports statistics or other things of that sort. However, I have certain traits like having a really hard time with social encounters and being "book" smarter than the average neurotypical. I feel like I don't belong anywhere; in the aspie category or neurotypical category. I have considered going to a psychiatrist but my parents, on the other hand, are not so optimistic about this. I have turned to this forum in hopes that someone can give me a diagnosis because it has been a very depressing time in the last few months.
Hi there and welcome to AC! :D

Have you tried taking some of the online tests for aspergers? They're handy for self diagnosis.
I just took one that said with a score of 32 and above you have aspergers. I got a 38. That makes me feel so much better though, knowing that something else agrees with me. Thank you so much for the tip :)
Bear in mind that those tests are for guidance purposes only. They won't get you the same kind of help and support that a professional diagnosis can. If you show your test results to your parents and say, "I think this is something we should at least look into," you might be able to convince them to get you to see a professional.

Welcome! :)

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