To Whom it may concern,
Hi, it's nice to have found this forum, and I hope to share a lot with you!
I'm a 29 year old male who has never fit in. I've always been fascinated by how things work. I love science and technology as well as the arts. I love it when people are passionate about things.
I have a degree in polymer and color chemistry, and have worked as a chemist and engineer. I love to ride bicycles and to cook. I build HiFi loudspeaker systems.
Despite doing many awesome things I am extremely lonely. I hope I can find some companionship here, and also strength that I can use day by day.
Thanks for letting me introduce myself!
Hi, it's nice to have found this forum, and I hope to share a lot with you!
I'm a 29 year old male who has never fit in. I've always been fascinated by how things work. I love science and technology as well as the arts. I love it when people are passionate about things.
I have a degree in polymer and color chemistry, and have worked as a chemist and engineer. I love to ride bicycles and to cook. I build HiFi loudspeaker systems.
Despite doing many awesome things I am extremely lonely. I hope I can find some companionship here, and also strength that I can use day by day.
Thanks for letting me introduce myself!