I get how confusing it can be when you find out you are on the spectrum. What is it? A disease? A mental sickness? No. It's a neurological condition. We are wired differently from neurotypicals or NTs.
The hardest things are around executive funtioning and socail skills for us.
If you ever talk to anyone and they say something you don't get. It could be sarcastic, a joke, or a turn of phrase. Or if people seem to move on from things faster than you do. As any autistic person has to focus on one detail at a time. By the time we are done, a NT will have well beyond moved on from it.
If people have told you that you are 'just lazy' 'not trying hard enough' or use unhelpful advice like 'suck it up' when you fall short. It's because NTs see us as having 'whiny excuses' for things we actually are incapable of doing. Some of us can still thrive from this. But others... not so much. As it is insultingly dismissive of problems we actually are having.
Certain sounds, lights, or other distractions can overwhelm us. Though everyone is unique in this regard. I personally find people who eat with thier mouth open and fire alarms rather obnoxious and overly disruptive.
Crowded places and areas with a large number of people tend to be a big overwhelming factor for alot of us.
Sometimes certain things beyond people and environmental distractions can affect us. Like my fear of going down escalators. Something about going down on them just makes me freak the heck out. But oddly not when going up on them.
in anycase. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. We have plenty of threads you can look at and even useful site
resources to look into that may help give you a better idea.