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Hiking above 45 degrees North.

Gerald Wilgus

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I live very near halfway from the equator to the north pole, so today went with some friends to hike the Houdek Dunes . . . overgrown dunes left from the last glaciation.
The trail goes through forest and fields. It is soft and sandy.
Right off we came across a healthy patch of Poison Ivy.
I enjoy hiking near the top where barrens show that you are hiking on old sand dunes.

And, finally back in the woods again. We found what we were looking for, Pink Lady Slipper Orchids!


And some nice Wood Anemone

And, finally, on the way back, came across these. Oyster Mushrooms, edible and choice. I harvested a couple of pounds and cannot wait to use these in a beef stir-fry.
I do miss the spring wildflowers. I used to make sure to take a walk each spring to greet them.

The oyster mushroom is one of the few edibles that fruit where I am. Enjoy!
I do miss the spring wildflowers. I used to make sure to take a walk each spring to greet them.

The oyster mushroom is one of the few edibles that fruit where I am. Enjoy!
In the fall we get King Boletes, Porcini, they are much valued and delicious. Once while hiking I came across a patch of Chantrells and filled my hat. I cooked them with penne pasta and flaked, smoked lake trout, in a light tomato sauce.
In the fall we get King Boletes, Porcini, they are much valued and delicious. Once while hiking I came across a patch of Chantrells and filled my hat. I cooked them with penne pasta and flaked, smoked lake trout, in a light tomato sauce.
That is making me hungry!
Those orchids were nice. You timed it just right, as they don't bloom for very long.

Michigan weather has been exceptional the past week or so. We are planning on spending some time in the Leelanau peninsula this coming Fri, Sat, and Sunday, perhaps on the same trails as you. I hope the weather holds out.

This past weekend, the wife and I got out to the southwest lakeshore of Michigan (South Haven, Fennville, Saugatuck areas) to look for those rare, septarian, "lightning stones". We ended up with a handful of smaller ones. This is someone else's photo, not mine. We still need to clean and polish our stones yet. Interesting geology, yet no agreement within the geological community as to how they are actually formed.
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