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Well-Known Member
I've been known to be too honest sometimes, admitting things I should've probably kept secret or giving my honest opinions on things I probably shouldn't have been talking about to begin with.
You're not alone. I get the impression on occasion that I'm being way too forward with people. :/ I'll also have conversations about very personal things, and then regret it because I feel like I overshared things they had no business knowing.

With subjects like politics and religion, however, I've learned to not share hardly anything at all, because it always ends in unpleasantness.
I only discuss politics with my immediate family and only when it's relevant to the current moment (e.g. it's on the news, election day is near, etc). I never talk about politics in public, even when I'm with my parents.

We're not very religious so we don't talk much about it. I never talk about religion in public, ever.
Apparently people internalise what they learn with some force in their early childhood. Well, I internalised my mother's "you have to tell the truth". It took me years to understand that it was ********, and then it was too late. I just instinctually follow that rule, even now.
Yeah the whole honesty thing is total ********. I know we're raised to be honest but being too honest has gotten me into many uncomfortable conversations where I've regretted ever opening my mouth and reminding ppl that I was still in the room existing and sucking up precious air. I've always had trouble with relationships (friendships or otherwise). I don't like to be open with ppl out of lack of emotion, fear of judgment, etc. So I used to always think to myself, "Ok maybe I should try something different. Hey I know, how about honesty." Blows up in my face every time. Unless I'm so close with someone that I think it's worth risking the embarrassment, I think I'll keep my mouth shut from now on.
I'm very blunt, always. I got thanked for it today, in a business relationship, and ended up using my bluntness to create a situation where I'm now being paid to help with the issues I complained about.

As long as the honesty isn't from a malicious place, then it's fine, you can't be held responsible for other people's reactions, that's emotional, and not your place to worry about :)

I tend to be a bit blunt and honest as well. Though I guess I do know that sometimes it's better to not say anything at all. It's that thin line of honesty and doing the smart thing some people sometimes miss, lol.
I have often been told that I am "Too Honest" or Brutally Honest", and yes, this is often not socially successful. I am just learning to not be so honest, but it is against what I too believe in and so the struggle goes on.
There was a point of my life I was honest with everything and now I only share info that the person really needs to know. Example. Some employers ask me why there is a two year gap in my resume? I tell them I went on vacation after college. The real reason though I had trouble finding a job.

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