With all the harsh stuff out there... The tricks, the pressures to become someone we are not, the anxiety that is crushing a mass percentage of the population as we speak.
I cant help but stop and tell it NO... Not this time, not this minute, not this hour, not this day.
In stead I go on a hunt... A search for a reason to smile...
I just really like it when I can find a reason to smile, or help someone else smile.
I may be stupid, immature, or naive... I get that... and thats okay with me, I can live with that.
I see all these people hurting, filled with doubt, filled with hate, and just angry to be living.
What I really see is people who are already dead, they just don't quite know it yet.
It doesn't have to be like this... Its all about choices... and directing a fluid narrative.
So when I can lighten a mood, or even say something stupid (and someone laughs)...
If it betters someones day, even in a tiny way...
I found a way to LIVE for a few minutes, and it helped them do the same.
My mindset has become profoundly important to me lately...
Maybe its because I was shown, that my old mindset was destroying ALL of my future...
It became time to relearn how to think, on what I think on 24/7.
It has a cost... Nothing in LIFE is free. Its called "switch cost."
To change our 'norm" is to change our thoughts, which changes the chemical, and electrical signals in our bodies, and that creates change in us, and outside of us, but it is not easy... or the whole world would be doing it.
It sucks... Its the hardest thing I have ever tried to tackle, but 30-45 days of intense change of thought process could change my life in unthinkable ways... (this is never about "curing" ASD by the way, and really has little to do with my ASD, yet in there somewhere, of course it all overlaps)...
So, this is part of an experiment I am in, and now my posts become sort of my accountability to see what I am doing and thinking... See if I slip, I have to start all over, and over, and over, until the old thoughts finally give up control of the old Neural patterns, to allow new neural pathways to form... Its all science, not hocus pokus.
Now you know one of my many little secrets... and I couldn't think of a better group of people to ever share that with.
This is a tiny part of how I now redirect the stuff that used to crush me.
I just face it, and find a way to laugh with it...
Thanks for being a part of my long road to rediscovering LIFE.