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Hopelessness is root of addiction


Well-Known Member
Examples and sarcastic comeback
I quit smoking cigarettes but still can't afford food (only now situation changed that afford to eat healthy)

I try to make my children's life better than mine, because in truth I'm wounded and may possibly never have normal friendship with people or I'm pessimistic on life in general. I hope my children have better outlook

Coffee cures a headache!!
Ok, I've cut down to 3 cups daily but quitting isn't possible. It's how I get through my life
Well you see it's not my ASD there is world recession, waiting lists for schools, high unemployment and anti-biotics are working less,
The system is collapsing and I'm now a regular statistic but I have immune disorder and read known side effects more attentively.

Anyone else feel this way?
I try to make my children's life better than mine, because in truth I'm wounded and may possibly never have normal friendship with people or I'm pessimistic on life in general. I hope my children have better outlook

I relate to this in my own way. I may not have kids, but I do share a very similar philosophy with other people who are suffering.


For a very long time. I have believed that I couldn't ever find, what I'd help others gain. Happiness. Because I suffer, I'd rather help others avoid my fate. I felt like I was destined to nothing but misery.

But even this is a lie in the end.

Coffee cures a headache!!
Ok, I've cut down to 3 cups daily but quitting isn't possible. It's how I get through my life

Yeah. Coffee is my lifeblood too. There is just something comforting about a hot cup of straight black coffee.

To think I use to use coffee creamer and sugar. Anything for a caffeine and sugar fix. Though this was when I was also rather addicted to soda. Dark times indeed. Emotionally masking behind a caffeinated buzz and sugar high at the same time.
Tx xyinta,
I taste palm oils in creamer, just can't mix into my coffee, black coffee as well

Trying to cut back on sugar, I've done enough damage.... But ye, I remember doing this whilst working on computer.... Flat sitted that holiday, and had MC Donald's for Xmas alone (was at point happier alone)

My new buzz word: liver detox and smoothies
Tonight I think I'm having another Himalayan salt water detox.
Just responding to the title of the post as someone in recovery, alcohol, 8 months sober. I don't know if I'd consider hopelessness to be the root of addiction but certainly an anchor. Numbing that feeling especially towards the end of active addiction is a brutal place to live for any length of time and I did it for years. I work with an addictions counselor now and take part in a weekly addictions peer support group and one idea that keeps coming up is that the opposite of addiction is connection. When we have connections, meaningful ones, there tends to be some hope, and some good reason to want to learn to live sober. Without those connections, and the new ones I'm working to build I don't think I'd have made it this far. I feel like I'm finally living again and it's how I've been able to deal with my addiction and maintain sobriety. And make no mistake sobriety is a process and not a destination. You need to work at it daily.
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Just responding to the title of the post as someone in recovery, alcohol, 8 months sober. I don't know if I'd consider hopelessness to be the root of addiction but certainly an anchor. Numbing that feeling especially towards the end of active addiction is a brutal place to live for any length of time and I did it for years. I work with an addictions counselor now and take part in a weekly addictions peer support group and one idea that keeps coming up is that the opposite of addiction is connection. When we have connections, meaningful ones, there tends to be some hope, and some good reason to want to learn to live sober. Without those connections, and the new ones I'm working to build I don't think I'd have made it this far. I feel like I'm finally living again and it's how I've been able to deal with my addiction and maintain sobriety. And make no mistake sobriety is a process and not a destination. You need to work at it daily.
Bonding was difficult, living in flight mode very bad.
Survival mode was damper on me cause some people get together to resolve living obstacles or seem happy in friendship based on what getting.
I suppose it's not just that sex is blunt and what about other needs.....but material world for me was hard to comprehend. So I went with tolerance and definition of how some of us providers for a tribe...but got tired of that, tired reactions, way they sort pecking order.
I used to drink mostly socially but if I redefine it closely, I drank when I saw my boyfriend, it made it easier for me to switch off. I was at one stage making home made pineapple/ginger beer and it's very very different, I still suffer with hangover but it's when I realised just how modern methods of sulphites work. Not sure if should recommend yeast based recipe to ASD, suppose knowledge of brewing, has all sugar being used, I don't like dry or white wine so I'd sweeten mine.

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