I had a meltdown today. My father simply gave me a safety tip on how to hold a fork properly and I reacted all nervous and jittery, trying to make some excuse as to why I was holding the fork in an unsafe manner. He then told me that this is a "classic me" response and said I was exhibiting my pre-psychologist behavior again, as if I've never even gone to the psychologist in the first place. For some reason beyond anyone's comprehension, even mine, these words just completely offended me and I just started behaving like a madman. I sprinted with an angry stomp, I started hitting objects, screaming, panting - had to take some herbs to calm the soul. I was being delusional again, kept thinking that everyone is picking on me and losing hope in me. He wasn't picking on me, he was just telling me the truth; I was in fact exhibiting my infamous behavior again, and even more of it with the meltdown. I have also been told that I was acting like a toddler. All I had to do was thank him for the safety tip in a normal voice - no excuses, no nothing. I'm really not proud of it and I just don't know...just don't know why I do this all the time. Is it an Asperger's thing or am I also mentally ill??
I had to apologize to the whole family for the meltdown, it happened in front of my mother. I know, I'm always sorry. I really am genuinely sorry...only to repeat the same ******** over and over again. My mother is really scared about me sometimes when she observes these meltdowns and frankly - so am I. I'm sitting here now all drowning in regret. The best thing I can do in the short run when I exhibit these is just take a herb called Valerian, it calms the nerves. Retrospectively I'm also really confused. WHY???? At least I stopped myself from constantly talking about it and the urge to put myself down for hours. That's also a "classic me" type of behavior, on top of all the cycling over topics that I always exhibit; if I don't keep cycling over it, everyone will feel much better in the long run than if I DID also cycle over it. Instead of cycling, I just have to go to my room and be alone for like a half-hour to an hour. I'll let my doc know what happened and he's gonna be pretty disappointed in me. I'm tired of disappointing people all the time.