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How do I delete my account ?

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Well-Known Member
I am feeling lonely in this digital dimension.

so I want to delete this digital existence of me.

Please tell me digital owners of this digital world how do I delete this.

Living in the any type of digital world like facebook and online forums are waste of life.

All I breath is 0101010101010.
You can't delete it. Its says so in the forum rules. Just an FYI. So if you don't like it here you can always just as lector said not log in here anymore.
You can essentially delete your own account by:

  • Disabling email notifications
  • Disabling PMs
  • Disabling visitor messages
  • Making your profile visible only by friends
  • Removing your avatar
  • Removing your profile info
  • Removing your profile pic

After doing that, abandon the forum.

Your posts will still be on the forum. But even if staff would delete your account?a thing we don't do here?your posts would still be on the board anyway.
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I do not know I am need some help, some say I have bipolar type 2 conditions and I feel I have all aspi conditions since I am not diagnosed (in india we do not have facilities or this is not popular).

I am like relationship breaker , I do not know why I end up doing this I just need someone to help me with this..

Action Taken - Please All Read - News & Announcements - Asperclick - Friendly Aspergers Forum

I could not understand this due to my mindblindness I am sure where I went wrong here.

They were using bad words on me. they all have insulted me in that forum.

they think that I have insulted them and I think that they have insulted me. with blindness on both sided with those people and me.

they were worried about their own members and I was worried about my self.

I though that I might act antisocial here. I am not sure what made them up set when I said "No one is my friends topics"

I got obsessed that other aspies are not understanding me. I made repated posts. I was about to correct my mistakes and then I asked them to delete my account.

because it was too much for me to socially involve in online and real world.

I feared that I might be doing same here so I asked for delete.

I am not sure what I have but i am already dyslexic (diagnosed UK 2010)

I fear that I might make same mistakes here.

they used the word "harass" I got meltdown and obsessed for that word. that word indicates "sin". I asked them to punish me for my sins.

I give them cyber cops web links and they are saying that it was not necessary for small things/ small mistakes of intimidation through PMs.

I got carried away that I got very first friend in my life I sent her my contact details to get trust which my ignorence and blindnesss since i was newbie. she got intimidated by my message and they called me "Harass people""

I got obsesed when they used the word "harass" when I do not mean to hurt or harm any one but somehow it happened by my ignorance and mindblindness.

what was my mistake and what was theirs ?

I am unable to understand where I go wrong I am having problems using

I really want to learn from my mistakes.

but I am unable to understand whether I am Aspie or Bi polar type 2, I have checked related websites it seems to me that I have both the qualities.

I am not sure but so far all are relevant.
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KiranKai, we explained to you over at Asperclick why threads had to be locked etc, you were repeatedly sending members personal messages when they stated that the attention was unwanted, plus you were insulting people by constantly saying that you didn't care about anyone else's problems but you wanted them to help you. When we tried to help you you didn't listen and kept repeating the same things over and over again. Several of our members went into a meltdown because of the stress you caused them. The only action you left me with was to disable your posting, for your own sanity and for everyone else's. You have continued to message me, both before I disabled your PM's and after in the form of reports as a guest. I explained to you in great detail what had happened and why. Everyone tried to help you and you threw it back in their faces. I tried to help you via PM after your threads got locked, but you then started typing in capitals saying this was all my fault. I then had to explain to the forum what I had done to solve the issues because as I stated, a lot of members were left feeling very stressed after what happened with you, and in that thread a few remarks were made in relation to you, yes, and I asked them not to and locked the thread as per your request. I was yet again just trying to help you. Do you have any idea how many hours it took me out of my personal time to sort out all of this? And I have Aspergers too, so it's not easy, let me tell you! I certainly do not appreciate you coming to another forum and complaining about my forum, when all we did was try to help, despite the fact that members were feeling harassed, stressed and insulted.

Is it still Superboyian and Calvert that run this forum? If so, hi guys, sorry about this post, but we really did try our best with KiranKai. I know a couple of people insulted him in the thread he linked, but he had insulted a lot of people before it got to that stage and that thread is locked now anyway.
KiranKai, we explained to you over at Asperclick why threads had to be locked etc, you were repeatedly sending members personal messages when they stated that the attention was unwanted, plus you were insulting people by constantly saying that you didn't care about anyone else's problems but you wanted them to help you. When we tried to help you you didn't listen and kept repeating the same things over and over again. Several of our members went into a meltdown because of the stress you caused them. The only action you left me with was to disable your posting, for your own sanity and for everyone else's. You have continued to message me, both before I disabled your PM's and after in the form of reports as a guest. I explained to you in great detail what had happened and why. Everyone tried to help you and you threw it back in their faces. I tried to help you via PM after your threads got locked, but you then started typing in capitals saying this was all my fault. I then had to explain to the forum what I had done to solve the issues because as I stated, a lot of members were left feeling very stressed after what happened with you, and in that thread a few remarks were made in relation to you, yes, and I asked them not to and locked the thread as per your request. I was yet again just trying to help you. Do you have any idea how many hours it took me out of my personal time to sort out all of this? And I have Aspergers too, so it's not easy, let me tell you! I certainly do not appreciate you coming to another forum and complaining about my forum, when all we did was try to help, despite the fact that members were feeling harassed, stressed and insulted.

Is it still Superboyian and Calvert that run this forum? If so, hi guys, sorry about this post, but we really did try our best with KiranKai. I know a couple of people insulted him in the thread he linked, but he had insulted a lot of people before it got to that stage and that thread is locked now anyway.

The reason is I know I will repeat same mistakes again but I am "Forcing" my self to correct it.

why are you do not see it in me ?

I am sorry for your personal time but I am asking how can I stop doing it.

I do not want to continue what we had it in your forum.

I want to get help so I posted after effects as a link from your forum.

I promise I don't want to repeat it but I just want to know

why my self punishment related to cops intimidated her ?

you are not noticing that "Harass" does intimidate me.

you do not have to worry about this but I really want to get rid of my Blindness.

I am sorry about this post but I am not sure where I am going wrong.

I am sorry about your personal time. I did it unknowingly not on purpose.

why it is unknowingly ?

I am too blind to see the facts you say..

You say I harass, I say I did not do it on purpose It was my ignorance / Blindness. (I am unable to understand how to recognize this )

1. the facts you are taking about is i have blindness to understand it.
2. the facts if you say that my Self punishment cops topics were "haress" her I am blind to see it how ?
3. if you say that I have insulted your forum members "I am blind to understand it how?"

Finally my actions are under ignorance and blindness I do not mean to hurt anyone or anything I have done things without understanding what other might think and happen to them.

I am blinded to see that how others would react on my posts at the same time you are blinded to see that how much I suffer from word "harass".

you are worried about your members and yourself but what about me ? why no one cares about my blindness.

I strongly apologize to you and your forum members and that girl who you think that I harassed.

I strongly apologize for my mistakes done under blindness not intentional it was not under purpose

do you think that I did that on purpose ? it was my obsession for "justice" sins and word "harass" thats all it went by..

I strongly apologize to all OK !!
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I am closing this thread as both sides have said their piece and until an admin steps in to say other wise I will try to sum it up for everybody.

Kirankai, you will not be banned here if you continue to be pleasant to the other members and respectful of the rules which can be found here, if you have trouble with anything you are not sure is within the rules, at any time you may refer back to them via the link at the top of every page labelled Forum Rules.

It is clear you have trouble understanding a few things and as we are almost all Aspies here that is understandable, but I hope you now realise that it was not advisable to bring to this site any issues you have with anther site. When on aspiescentral.com we hope you will discuss topics you find here and not post about your troubles on other sites in future.

If you ever have any difficulty with other members then contact a mod and they will help to sort it out. We do not ban members for having problems if they are willing to sort it out with staff assistance.

Under no circumstances will anybodies account ever be deleted as it clearly states in the rules, other members have correctly said ways in which you can leave the site and no longer have any participation with it, but it will remain here should you ever decide to come back, that is supposing you have not been banned in which case you would not be able to come back at all.

I hope you can come to see the value of the support and camaraderie that you will find on this site and add that to what you have learned on other sites to make your time here rewarding and enlightening, the members are a very open and sharing bunch who are always willing to offer advice and personal experiences to aid you with being an Aspie

KiranKai, I would like to add that if you have a drama regarding about whatever site that you have an issue with, personally talk to the admin/mod at this site as we do not deal with drama that happens elsewhere other than Aspies Central. This is NOT a forum for drama.
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