Over the course of my 40-plus years I've learned a lot of social skills, but every once in a while I say something that just falls flat, or is unintentionally hurtful. I often only recognize that it's so because they're angry with me. And even after things are patched up between us, I'm left feeling this deep, deep sense of shame and regret, which often begins with feeling simply disturbed about something. Even after thinking back on recent things I've said and done, I'm often left wondering why I feel disturbed.
Shame and regret seem like my most familiar feelings. My wife always said I was the most guilt-ridden person she's known, but I don't think it's guilt. I think it's a sense of shame. It really sucks.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Shame and regret seem like my most familiar feelings. My wife always said I was the most guilt-ridden person she's known, but I don't think it's guilt. I think it's a sense of shame. It really sucks.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?