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How do you feel about mirrors?

How do you feel about mirrors

  • neither for nor against

    Votes: 22 45.8%
  • dislike intensely

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • like em

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • the steal your soul

    Votes: 6 12.5%

  • Total voters
I don't mind 1 mirror. But when there are multiple ones and you see many of yourselves it is a little strange.
I hate to look at myself in the mirror, but I deal with some pretty intense body dysphoria. I have found that I don't even like to look MYSELF in the eye when looking in a mirror! What's difficult is in Aikido class, there is this HUGE wall of mirror at the front of the class so the students can check their positioning during classes. I hate looking at myself in that mirror!
Mirrors help me understand if by eating donuts, l could be turning into one. Also it tells me if the gym l am doing is working correct muscles, like are the right things getting toned or too much tone, l have no personal trainer so l have to caculate my protein and my carbs and my reps for weights.
Mirrors also tell me if my clothes look pulled together for interviews. In this state, you can be slightly casual for jobs which is very nice.
I'm pretty uneasy with them, loathed hairdressers cos you have to look in the mirror for 20 minutes, I cut my own hair now. The clothing check thing is necessary, though.

It's pretty amazing how some people love themselves in mirrors, remember many scenes in women's bathrooms and they way they gaze at themselves, often lovingly.

Pretty much like that.
What a pretty girl, if l was that cute , l would need a huge mirror. She is ready for a close-up shot. :) What is her name? What is the breed?
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I'm pretty uneasy with them, loathed hairdressers cos you have to look in the mirror for 20 minutes, I cut my own hair now. The clothing check thing is necessary, though.

It's pretty amazing how NTs usually love themselves in mirrors, remember many scenes in women's bathrooms and they way they gaze at themselves, often lovingly.

Woman have a little more pressure to be in shape compared to men. It defintely helps with jobs.
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What a pretty girl, if l was that cute , l would need a huge mirror. She is ready for a close-up shot. :) What is her name? What is the breed?

No idea.

It's just a frequently seen gif that floats around the Net for no apparent reason.

Lovely dog one way or another though.
I'd be lost without them.
Use them everyday for dressing, combing hair, make-up when I put any on.
Wouldn't leave home without looking at self in a mirror.
They don't make me feel uncomfortable.
They are useful for deciding whether by clothes make my bum look big, putting on makeup, trimming the undercut on the back of my head, and observing my body during pilates or dance classes. It's amusing when you put kittens in front of them. When I only had access to a tiny hand mirror for several months I missed big mirrors. They don't make me uncomfortable.
I hate to look at myself in the mirror, but I deal with some pretty intense body dysphoria. I have found that I don't even like to look MYSELF in the eye when looking in a mirror! What's difficult is in Aikido class, there is this HUGE wall of mirror at the front of the class so the students can check their positioning during classes. I hate looking at myself in that mirror!
yikes. I would hate that.
I try to avoid them. I hope people don't see what I see. I always picture a witch like image of myself in the mirror to the point that sometimes I'd put on a little make up just so I don't scare the grandkids when they see me.
You know, I never gave it any thought, but my mom would see like a devil self image in the mirror. Now that's going to make me wonder. But I've never liked looking in the mirror. Once I was looking at pictures my daughter in law had taken and I asked who this person standing in the corner was - it was me. lol
I need mirrors to make sure I look presentable. I like looking in mirrors when I have a good day. Not so much on bad days.

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