This is a very good question and also very difficult, but not impossible, to address. I have had problems with this all of my life and even in the past few years. The ancient admonition "Be wary as a fox and gentle as a lamb" seems to apply.
Modern society and global power structures are set up on the principle of competition, exploitation, greed, subjugation and acquisition of power and control. The evidence for this is overwhelming and incontrovertible. There have been 14600 wars in recorded history according to one well-known historian. That's a lot of wars.
The key for me has been acceptance that most people follow a different set of rules. Thinking and compassionate people (not only AS people) understand that the competitive model is inferior and destructive. The cooperative model is far more effective.
So I have a few basic operating rules:
1. I do not rely on my intuition alone to judge character. I need to look carefully at the facts over a period of time. If I feel something is wrong then it probably is. I have to rely on help from professionals in certain areas. For business contracts I use a trusted lawyer and trusted business associates.
2. I have a right to work at a job that uses my strengths and in an environment that is supportive and with people I trust.
3. It is better to be alone and feel lonely rather than be around toxic and manipulative people.
4. Do whatever is necessary to pursue my interests and safety and not worry about offending others, including my family.
5. Realize that while this world is filled with unconscious and conscious manipulators, that there are enough good people out there to build a strong alliance.
I suggest reading "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius - the compassionate and wise Roman emperor. He understood the nature of power and also human character.
I'm feeling very depressed about this.
I automatically think that other people are good, honest and helpful. I always try to be considerate and put other people first.
In all aspects of life people lie, manipulate or otherwise take advantage of me. I don't understand how these people (who seem to make up most of society) can just get on with their lives when they have such things on their conscience.
I'm stuck in a rut and not sure what to try next.
How does an aspie live in a society that thinks this way?