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How do you prefer your anime?

How do you prefer your anime?

  • Dubbed in my local language.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Original Japanese with subtitles.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Original Japanese w/o subtitles.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The point to life is there is no point.
V.I.P Member
Dubbed, subbed, or in original Japanese w/o subtitles?

I used to prefer subtitles only back in the '90s, but the quality of English dubs in anime has increased immeasurably since those days.
The show was made in Japanese, I'm gonna watch it in Japanese with subtitles. That goes for anything originally made in any foreign language, I wanna watch it in the language it was made in.
I tend towards dubbed because it doesnt require that I A: have my glasses on, or B: constantly look down at the bottom of the screen instead of looking at whatever is actually happening. Also I grew up watching only dubbed (because that was what was on SciFi, they never aired anything subbed as far as I remember).

That being said, it's very rare that I watch any these days. I dont remember the last time I saw something that looked interesting. It seems like it's just one isekai after another, or like... I dunno, the sorts of series that get fans arguing about power scaling, I dont get that part.
English Dubs for sure. I mean. How else will we get hilarious moments like this:

But goofing aside. I prefer english dubs. But I am not against watching english subs. Some anime are just better that way.
I tend towards dubbed because it doesnt require that I A: have my glasses on, or B: constantly look down at the bottom of the screen instead of looking at whatever is actually happening. Also I grew up watching only dubbed (because that was what was on SciFi, they never aired anything subbed as far as I remember).

That being said, it's very rare that I watch any these days. I dont remember the last time I saw something that looked interesting. It seems like it's just one isekai after another, or like... I dunno, the sorts of series that get fans arguing about power scaling, I dont get that part.
Yeah, most of the anime I watch is stuff from the ‘90s OVA craze.
I never understood why so many autistic love anime until I meet them online. I though I was alone. Just subscribe to crunchyroll after watching stuff on Hulu. I love the old stuff.

I preferably dubbed. I find the English dialog great emotional, funny and everything in between.

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