I don't mean your own fights/conflicts, but when you witness them happening with other people, especially people who are close to you.
I feel like I am much more sensitive to verbal fights than most people I know. As a child, I'd stop talking and just start crying every single time there was a fight at home. When I was in another room, I'd cover my ears and hum something. I didn't feel physically threatened by the fighting or anything, it just felt like I couldn't bear it. It was always a mystery to me how others could stay calm or even find some fights between other people funny.
When I got older, I stopped crying as a reaction but still very much tense up every time there is a fight, I get very anxious and sometimes I get annoyed, but more in the way of "why do you people have to make me feel so awful right now, is that fight really necessary?" It's even worse when the fight is unfair, like, when someone says mean, personal things instead of sticking to the topic of fighting. It feels like I simply can't bear it. Again, this is not even about my own fights but about other people's.
I usually don't really resonate with Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. But there's a scene which fits exactly. Leonard and Penny fight about something, and Sheldon gets very flustered and, like motion-controlled, he goes and turns on some loud kitchen machine to tune out the fighting voices. That 's exactly how I feel in those situations and what I did as a child by covering my ears and/or crying.
I feel like I am much more sensitive to verbal fights than most people I know. As a child, I'd stop talking and just start crying every single time there was a fight at home. When I was in another room, I'd cover my ears and hum something. I didn't feel physically threatened by the fighting or anything, it just felt like I couldn't bear it. It was always a mystery to me how others could stay calm or even find some fights between other people funny.
When I got older, I stopped crying as a reaction but still very much tense up every time there is a fight, I get very anxious and sometimes I get annoyed, but more in the way of "why do you people have to make me feel so awful right now, is that fight really necessary?" It's even worse when the fight is unfair, like, when someone says mean, personal things instead of sticking to the topic of fighting. It feels like I simply can't bear it. Again, this is not even about my own fights but about other people's.
I usually don't really resonate with Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. But there's a scene which fits exactly. Leonard and Penny fight about something, and Sheldon gets very flustered and, like motion-controlled, he goes and turns on some loud kitchen machine to tune out the fighting voices. That 's exactly how I feel in those situations and what I did as a child by covering my ears and/or crying.