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How do you upgrade from "New Member" status?


I'm just wondering. My status still says "new member" under my user name. Does one progress through forum rankings via number of posts or Karma points?
Someone more knowledgable than me will probably be along soon to help you, but I think there is some sort of default progression. But if in your profile, you add a 'Title', this will be displayed instead (At least that's my observation).
In the dropdown box that is your username on the upper right of the screen, click "Personal Details," and then in the "Custom Title" box enter whatever you like.
At a guess, it is to do with how active one is on here.

I only joined in December, I think and for a while, have the status of: well known member.
In the dropdown box that is your username on the upper right of the screen, click "Personal Details," and then in the "Custom Title" box enter whatever you like.

I know now how to change to a custom title. I'm wondering about the default progression.

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