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How does my English read.


Well-Known Member
I have a question for people on this forum who have read some of the posts I have been making here, how would rate my use of the English language? I want to know if it would be worth it for me to put time into improving my English. I have never been good with language and it seems to be part of my dysharmonic intelligence profile that often comes with autism. I think the many grammar mistakes i make and the awkward use language can give people the impression that my cognitive abilities are lower then they actually are. I notice when reading old conversations i have had with people how disorganized me thoughts are and how awkward my language can be.
You might enjoy checking samples of your writing in a Readability calculator.

You writing looks ok to me.
There are the occasional errors, like writing "rabbit whole" when
what you meant was "hole." The words sound the same, but mean
different things.

Another example of a minor error, from your Profile was the "My personally has not changed..."
which you have since deleted. I think the word you wanted was "personality."

You write better in English than I can in any of the languages other than English
that I have studied.
I remember I asked you at one point if you were Dutch because you had written something in Dutch, and I had thought that English was your first language.

Your English is a lot better than my Spanish or Portuguese. That's a good thing for you but sad for me lol

Not so much on here, but occasionally I have been asked what my first language was because my way of expressing myself in writing, and the way I use punctuation and text abbreviations is apparently pretty idiosyncratic.
Your English is solid and from what I've seen, would likely pass a English language test for admission to an English language university.
Your English is great. Most of your current errors are minor words missing, which happens to all of us as our brains get ahead of our fingers. Rereading your posts would catch most of those errors.
You might enjoy checking samples of your writing in a Readability calculator.

You writing looks ok to me.
There are the occasional errors, like writing "rabbit whole" when
what you meant was "hole." The words sound the same, but mean
different things.

Another example of a minor error, from your Profile was the "My personally has not changed..."
which you have since deleted. I think the word you wanted was "personality."

You write better in English than I can in any of the languages other than English
that I have studied.
English has a lot of those annoying words that are pronounced and spelled almost the same. Then than, were where, to too. I always mess these up,
I have a question for people on this forum who have read some of the posts I have been making here, how would rate my use of the English language? I want to know if it would be worth it for me to put time into improving my English. I have never been good with language and it seems to be part of my dysharmonic intelligence profile that often comes with autism. I think the many grammar mistakes i make and the awkward use language can give people the impression that my cognitive abilities are lower then they actually are. I notice when reading old conversations i have had with people how disorganized me thoughts are and how awkward my language can be.
I think your English is good and it’s also very useful to learn new languages. English has a lot of weird similiar words that are not the same in meaning but you get to be more comfortable with them with more practice. :)
English is not my native language so maybe I'm not the right person to judge your language skills, but it looks fine to me. I have seen much worse.

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