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How long will a diagnosis typically take?


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing a mental health professional for an autism spectrum disorder evaluation next month. Does it just last one appointment, or is it several appointments? What kind of questions do they ask adults regarding their childhood history?
It only took me a couple of hours I think. I was just asked questions about my life and growing up
It took a couple sessions and an interview with my mom on the phone by my psychologist. I have my feedback session on Monday where I'll find out for sure.
The last session was an IQ test. He said after the first session he was going to be a bit more thorough because when it comes to an official diagnosis, all the necessary pieces need to be in place.

I think what he was getting at was that the criteria stated that the symptoms couldn't be better explained by another disorder or an intellectual disability. So he interviewed my mom to see if my physical and verbal development seemed normal, and then the last piece was an IQ test to see how my brain worked. I don't know if I'm supposed to have a higher IQ than the average person. I probably have above 100, which is considered normal, but I'm not sure how much higher it would be.
I have my assessment on June 3rd and Im panicking in case I fail the test. Its stupid because the "test" is someone's interpretation of memories of my childhood, which was twenty years ago and I have an awful memory. The letter I received about the assessment says that it is mostly based on my childhood experiences. It seems a bit bonkers to me. I feel like a fraud already.
Depending on who is doing the test it usually last between 2-4hours or 1-2 sessions depending on the provider. For adults they usually ask a lot of questions about your childhood, usually developmental questions, they also go through the AQ questionnaire usually too. Also IQ test is often done to make sure that they are covering all the learning bases.
Depending on who is doing the test it usually last between 2-4hours or 1-2 sessions depending on the provider. For adults they usually ask a lot of questions about your childhood, usually developmental questions, they also go through the AQ questionnaire usually too. Also IQ test is often done to make sure that they are covering all the learning bases.
You speak very well...or type, I communicate better in writing, myself.
Any ideas on what to expect when my therapist gives me the results of the "full psychological" within the next few days?
(Seemed related...maybe I make it my own topic?) :)
Kinda depends on your therapist. Sometimes the testing is done by someone you don't know and then they give the results to the person you are seeing. It just depends on how your area requires testing. Since it is different in different areas in even in the USA. Usually they kinda go over the results with you explaining them and what they mean for you as person also some suggestions might come up of what supports you could use or need.

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