Well, the secret to happiness differs for everyone, as what makes us happy differs, but in my opinion, the secret to happiness is deciding just who you are, and being the best you that you can be; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now, this doesn't have to be something that you discover over night. It's a process that spans a lifetime, but this isn't a bad thing, as it provides us with the gift of purpose. If you're in a place where you're questioning your own mortality, then perhaps it's time to be there for you.
This, of course, can be a struggle at times for Aspies, as what we want can often come in to conflict with what is expected of us. When we're faced with the choice of "living", or simply "existing" though, these decisions can be life-altering, so it's up to us to decide what is important to us, whether what we want falls in to the realm of possibility, and whether we are prepared to fight for it. Nothing makes life more worth living, than fighting for what we believe in.
It's a common issue, as many of us (myself included) have gone through life, trying to follow all the rules, putting on our "masks", and fitting in "just like everyone else", only to learn that somewhere along the way, we've lost who we were as individuals.
Finding ourselves again can also be a long, and hard transition; especially as it requires us to abandon what has always come so naturally to us, and demands that we trust our own intuition. It forces a rather drastic change in our personalities, which will definitely test you, but if you're prepared to stand your ground, face your fears, and fight for it, then it has the potential to bring you somewhere better. I myself have undergone such a transition, and have left behind a very dark place in my life. It was, and still is, the greatest thing I have ever done for myself. I've given myself a second chance, and am happier for it. Personally, I feel that even the journey itself is much more liberating, and rewarding, than simply staying put; even if we fail to reach our destination. In fact, don't make it all about the destination. You want your everyday life to bring you happiness.
The book I had recommended to you on your introductory post covers much of what I've just explained, should you wish to read more, but the above summarises the sections which would answer this post.
I hope you find what makes you happy.