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How to be happy as me

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Well-Known Member
I don't want to be unhappy anymore, if I can't be happy as my self then I don't want to live anymore trying to seem NT to other people all the time to fit in is killing me. It's taken away all my happiness and I don't enjoy anything I used to love anymore... I don't know how to get out of this, any advice? It's that simple for me right now, get happy or die.... I can't do the constant fighting to be accepted and to be happy if you know anything please help me, I'm so desperate right now thanks
If you can grow indifferent to the opinions of others (which is easier said than done, largely because saying just involves pronouncing a few words) then there is a chance that once people get used to that they will respect you more. There are a few books that could help with that. I usually recommend NLP, but only because it's worked for me.

Also, I don't know what country you live in, but you can look it up on this list: I need to find a suicide hotline for myself or a friend. | Facebook Help Center | Facebook
Truth is, you are bound to NOTHING. You can wear the most outrageous clothes, sheve your head and act really offensive and you will still walk and talk and eat just like everyone else. The only one you have to please is yourself. So do what YOU want to do, be who you want to be, and the rest will fall into place.
Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind won't matter.
There is an old saying,
If you want to be happy for an hour, go watch TV
If you want to be happy for a day, go to an amusement park
If you want to be happy for a lifetime, go out and help others.
I'm currently facing the same issues which one of the reasons I joined this site today. Issues I'm facing is financial stability as I live on my own and don't have anyone to offer me support. I learned if I don't keep myself stable, things will get worse for me.

I also have my own website I share my hiking and nature trips online. My audience is low and having trouble finding someone to proofread for me. But I decided I'm not going to worry about this. The audience that I do have like my photos and videos I made so I decided I focus more keep providing good photos and videos and not worry about I may have many grammar, or spelling errors on my site because I have a language based learning disability and English is not my strong point. I decided to not care about the world judge people on how they write or talk. I learned I'm better off using my energy connecting with people accept me as a person. In summary, I don't care what society thinks of me anymore
Based on what you've said, I'd say Peace has given the best advice. But alas and alack!, it it is difficult to reach that state on a mental and emotional level. It takes a lot of work...what seems perfectly rational can be hard for a clinically depressed person (I count myself as one) to realize. I've heard it said, "Sometimes it's easier to put someone else's s*** in perspective than your own" so I would encourage you to keep posting here.
Based on what you've said, I'd say Peace has given the best advice. But alas and alack!, it it is difficult to reach that state on a mental and emotional level. It takes a lot of work...what seems perfectly rational can be hard for a clinically depressed person (I count myself as one) to realize.

Sometimes the key change can be very fast.

I can recall the plan I had many years ago. I spent some time thinking it through until I found a method that was highly likely to be lethal and something I could actually do. Then when I got there I had an epiphany. If the whole world sees it one way, and I see it another, then eff them, THEY'RE ALL WRONG. Live for yourself. Live for what you know is good and the things that give you real pleasure. If people are judgmental or disapproving, ignore their worthless and stupid opinions.

That mental shift happened all in a day. I stood on that bridge for a while, watching trucks and cars and then began a new life.

Curiously, for me, it was only after making the decision to live for myself that I was ever able to help others.
Well, the secret to happiness differs for everyone, as what makes us happy differs, but in my opinion, the secret to happiness is deciding just who you are, and being the best you that you can be; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now, this doesn't have to be something that you discover over night. It's a process that spans a lifetime, but this isn't a bad thing, as it provides us with the gift of purpose. If you're in a place where you're questioning your own mortality, then perhaps it's time to be there for you.

This, of course, can be a struggle at times for Aspies, as what we want can often come in to conflict with what is expected of us. When we're faced with the choice of "living", or simply "existing" though, these decisions can be life-altering, so it's up to us to decide what is important to us, whether what we want falls in to the realm of possibility, and whether we are prepared to fight for it. Nothing makes life more worth living, than fighting for what we believe in.

It's a common issue, as many of us (myself included) have gone through life, trying to follow all the rules, putting on our "masks", and fitting in "just like everyone else", only to learn that somewhere along the way, we've lost who we were as individuals.

Finding ourselves again can also be a long, and hard transition; especially as it requires us to abandon what has always come so naturally to us, and demands that we trust our own intuition. It forces a rather drastic change in our personalities, which will definitely test you, but if you're prepared to stand your ground, face your fears, and fight for it, then it has the potential to bring you somewhere better. I myself have undergone such a transition, and have left behind a very dark place in my life. It was, and still is, the greatest thing I have ever done for myself. I've given myself a second chance, and am happier for it. Personally, I feel that even the journey itself is much more liberating, and rewarding, than simply staying put; even if we fail to reach our destination. In fact, don't make it all about the destination. You want your everyday life to bring you happiness.

The book I had recommended to you on your introductory post covers much of what I've just explained, should you wish to read more, but the above summarises the sections which would answer this post.

I hope you find what makes you happy.
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