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How to change name?


Active Member
I came yesterday and I find that it is a little difficult to manouver here.
I didn´t want my full name as user name. I did choose a user name, but apparently I misunderstood the procedure and I don´t see where, I could change it.
Would someone please explain to me in an easy language?
Brent would be the one to ask for this, since he's the admin.

Quite sure he'll run into this thread when he's around.
I would have liked "jensen". Just Anne would be OK too, but I have asked to be deleted from this site.
Would you help me with that?

I read the rules and you can ask for a change if you are new and have fewer that 10 posts or are VIP. Sounds like you tackled this right away and they were responsive. Now you are Jensen! :-)

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