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How to choose/ Find a PA


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Currently looking for a PA/ Carer to help me get out more. Don’t know how you pick a good one. One which I will be taking on has never worked with autistic adults before (she’s a childminder) but I felt like she didn’t patronise me and was easy to talk too. I don’t know how you pick a good one (had plenty of bad ones in the past)
You do need to feel comfortable with the PA, so the experience of child minding sounds like she will have some experience of helping vulnerable people and being able to adapt to their needs. Also, she was able to speak to you appropriately and respectfully, that's good.

I would try to give her some resources to read up on, that help her understand properly about autism, and also give her information about your specific experience of autism and how it affects you, and your requirements from her that would assist you in independence.
You do need to feel comfortable with the PA, so the experience of child minding sounds like she will have some experience of helping vulnerable people and being able to adapt to their needs. Also, she was able to speak to you appropriately and respectfully, that's good.

I would try to give her some resources to read up on, that help her understand properly about autism, and also give her information about your specific experience of autism and how it affects you, and your requirements from her that would assist you in independence.
There’s some good ideas. She is willing to learn so sure be okay with that.

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