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How to cope in a work place or just leave


Well-Known Member
Am looking for advice on whether to stay at work. But am finding it difficult working with obnoxious people i love my job and what i do but i feel no one listens when you say am struggling and need help. So it makes me ill to think about going back to work because i feel nothing will change and i dont want to be a berdin on anyone. I teach autistic students and its awsome but when people dont listen to you and even talking bout you the atmosphere is horrible and ask people what are you saying they start shouting at you or go tell management your being awkward. its hard going to work but i find its worse trying to stay in work.:( . so am tired and exhausted and want to scream { my brain is crying from the inside out and no one hears you. SO i want to scream can anyone help
I wish there was something that could be said to make it better. I hear you and agree that it's tough to deal with. Unfortunately it's a reality stemming from being different that all the other people.

I guess the only thing I could add is that I have found, generally, the what worries me the most is not what actually happens at work but what I think happened. Try to put things is the best possible light. It's very likely that people ARE listening and you ARE making an incredible difference.
I experienced similar at a place of work where everyone seemed to be against me, even though my work was excellent (management told me it was) I had nothing but complaints to management about the way I acted or my attitude to other people even when I was trying very hard to get on and be nice to everyone. I really didn't know what I was doing wrong. I came very close to leaving and in fact management came close to disciplining me that could have forced me to leave on occasions, but things slowly got better and eventually colleagues started to accept me a lot more as an eccentric person. The point was I was accepted and I did get on with my colleagues eventually even though I was never exactly social. Unfortunately I lost my job a few years on for medical reasons after a long struggle, but that's a long and unfortunate story that I won't go into here. In short it can be very difficult, but often with perseverance things can improve.
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You cope anyway you can and you talk to the management and if that doesn't work then you go above them to whatever in your counttry is the Disablities accomdations people and let them know what is going on and what would help you. I know in my case I had several misunderstandings with the current management regime and it took the, awhile to understand that I have autism and sometimes I meltdown and while I try not to do that it cannot be controlled and I need the opportunity to have people be understanding.
I worked on and off in various jobs for several years after I left school but after a while I just gave up and retreated which had positive and negative things about it. That was in the early 90s when I think there was less understanding of Aspergers than now although there are still far too many people who don't fully understand these things.
Taking a break from work was never an option for me. I had to learn to cope and it wasn't easy. The problem is, while I do have Aspergers or some similar disorder, I function well enough in society to hold a job and therefore do not qualify for social services. The ONLY way I could have gotten help is to get pregnant and have a child out of wedlock. Yes, I was told that by an unemployment counselor. I refused to take that option and now it is no longer an option for me anyway. So, you cope. You learn to suck it in. You learn by trial and error what works, and you flounder. I ended up outlasting all of my obnoxious colleagues so I must be doing something right.
If people don't understand you, no doubt whoever would replace you wouldn't understand your students either. They are probably lucky to have you.

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