Took loads of photos today on my camera at the End of Summer Cos Play Ball, uploaded them to my Google Photos account, posted a link in the Pictures and Videos section on here and people are saying the link doesn't work for them but when I click it my photos show up.
Is there a way to create a shareable link to my photos to post on forums and social media?
I need a quick response to this please, I am fully aware of Google so if you're going to tell me to Google it don't bother.
Took loads of photos today on my camera at the End of Summer Cos Play Ball, uploaded them to my Google Photos account, posted a link in the Pictures and Videos section on here and people are saying the link doesn't work for them but when I click it my photos show up.
Is there a way to create a shareable link to my photos to post on forums and social media?
I need a quick response to this please, I am fully aware of Google so if you're going to tell me to Google it don't bother.