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How to hide profile

I can't seem to find this information so I started a new thread. (It may be helpful to pin this topic somewhere on site so that it can be found.) I want to know how to hide my profile. I'm aware that it is not possible to cancel or delete an account, but is it possible to hide my profile so that I no longer get alerts, etc. from the site? If so, please let me know how to do it.
Not sure this is what you're looking for, but you can adjust the settings so that you don't receive alerts (at least on threads); there's a link at the bottom of email alerts.
Other than that, I don't know, I'm sorry.
In your profile page (click your user name), select the menu "alert preferences" and uncheck whatever alerts you don't want.

To hide certain elements of your profile, click the "privacy" menu and uncheck "show online status" and uncheck "show your current activity". Also you can uncheck "view your details on your profile page".
It might be in your favor to just select no email communication with Aspies Central as other members have suggested,but if you want out completely,your present profile can be banned,requiring you to rejoin if you desire to be a part of our community again.
My suggestion is to try the first method.

PM me or another staff member if you want more details,and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can :)
It might be in your favor to just select no email communication with Aspies Central as other members have suggested,but if you want out completely,your present profile can be banned,requiring you to rejoin if you desire to be a part of our community again.
My suggestion is to try the first method.

PM me or another staff member if you want more details,and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can :)
I'm figuring that PM means 'personal message' or somesuch. I have no idea how to do that. thank you for the reply nonetheless.

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