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How to tell him


Well-Known Member
Having walked away many times, one day got talking about topic of telling him (NT) what I want in relationship. Conclusion was couldn't draw up list of things I want or keep asking, if person can't do it themself they not a soul mate. And that (at time I thought may be Buddhist) so that we sometimes never meet a soul mate in this lifetime, so best aside from bad childhood to never have kids, maybe in next life when meet someone, it's important to click, more than survival of species.

Is this autism, or something else affecting me.
One example is very clear, if he is sitting on date looking at other women, he's not interested, and I'm not going to be so rude as having explain that one to him.
Certain men or part of society isn't going to accept to a woman buying man flowers (deemed inappropriate)
Some idiot girl trying to pick up a Mucho guy may provoke negative reaction, not just cause a man is really vocal and entitled to say what he wants but because such type of male may feel don't want slutty girls going around promoting this feministic crap.
One example is very clear, if he is sitting on date looking at other women, he's not interested, and I'm not going to be so rude as having explain that one to him.
Seriously, he's sitting on a date with you, and looking at women? 🤦 That's about as bad as a date can get. Smack him with the flower be like, hey, where are you looking.

Something it reminds me of is the scanning that men who were exposed to mature content at an early age tend to do, walk inside a room and start scanning. They say they were stuck in that age.

You want to buy him flowers? What exactly for, to shine some light on that silly turned mug of his? I must admit one rose to do something with like put it in his shirt, suit or shirt pocket sounds like a nice image.

It's not rude to point out you noticed he seems uninterested and always looking at other women which has been messing with the dates. Or to tell him how it makes you feel and what you want and ask if there's something he would like to do on the dates. In fact telling a man what you want can make them fall in love.

Often love and behavior can't be stimulated, but at least you can ask once and see if it's worth to stick around with him making you feel like this for the rest of your days and if he really cares he might do something about that or talk to you. If he doesn't, maybe you should meet him somewhere else where there are no women, that's in the case this man is worth pursuing and can actually offer something back.

Well I have the oddest impulses, I've drawn flowers and love cards for Valentines' day for my guy exes and wrote tons of love poems for them. Christmas is just another reason for romance ❤️‍🔥(although statistically most couples break up in December).

But maybe men don't like getting flowers like we do, they like getting bracelets or shoe polish\leather cleanser, (car) perfume that smells like flowers? 😆 Or like a flower petal bath and he certainly will be looking. 🙀

I do hope you get to live your dreams, every woman deserves to feel loved and express it.
"couldn't draw up list of things I want or keep asking, if person can't do it themself they not a soul mate" - well for one you want him to pay attention to you on a date and be interested, and he needs to give you clues on what captivates him and what he would like to do together that he thinks is fun. If someone isn't actively pursuing you or trying to make you feel special, it does sound like they're rather just settled in and no longer enjoying the romantic side of things, at a point relationships can turn like a companionship, and could change to involve romantic love again but they have to want that. The only type of love that lasts a lifetime includes companionship, commitment and romantic or passionate love.

7 Types of Love But Only One Lasts a Lifetime

"sometimes never meet a soul mate in this lifetime" - let that not be a reason or an excuse to not look for your soulmate and seek happiness, it's a universal right

When we love we are vulnerable, sharing our vulnerabilities in productive and healthy ways can strengthen emotional connection, and even trust.
Certain men or part of society isn't going to accept to a woman buying man flowers (deemed inappropriate)
Some idiot girl trying to pick up a Mucho guy may provoke negative reaction, not just cause a man is really vocal and entitled to say what he wants but because such type of male may feel don't want slutty girls going around promoting this feministic crap.
About this, in my opinion you should disregard the “certain men or part of society“ the deem flowers inappropriate. Those people probably don’t and should not matter.
I do hope the flowers are not for the guy looking around the room (if that is what he is doing).
On men receiving flowers… I think most men might think it is different or out of the ordinary, but the person best suited for you would probably appreciate it.
I realized about five years ago that no one had ever given me flowers. As a man I would never expect someone to buy me flowers but I decided it would be nice if it did happen.
I spent age 16 - 35 buying flowers for dates, girlfriends, and eventually a wife. After my divorce my kids started bringing me flowers when they came to visit and it is wonderful.
Two women I dated gave me flowers and that made a huge impression on me and I kept them till they fell apart.
I keep several vases in the event I get any and love it when I get flowers!
Personally I think it is awesome for a woman to give a man flowers, but I am not like a lot of other men I think.
If a woman gave/gives me flowers I would/do unequivocally take notice and interest.

I also want to thank @All-Rounder for the types of love link! Good info and it sent me down a rabbit hole to learn more on building emotional intimacy. Thank you, I appreciate you.
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About this, in my opinion you should disregard the “certain men or part of society“ the deem flowers inappropriate. Those people probably don’t and should not matter.
I do hope the flowers are not for the guy looking around the room (if that is what he is doing).
On men receiving flowers… I think most men might think it is different or out of the ordinary, but the person best suited for you would probably appreciate it.
I realized about five years ago that no one had ever given me flowers. As a man I would never expect someone to buy me flowers but I decided it would be nice if it did happen.
I spent age 16 - 35 buying flowers for dates, girlfriends, and eventually a wife. After my divorce my kids started bringing me flowers when they came to visit and it is wonderful.
Two women I dated gave me flowers and that made a huge impression on me and I kept them till they fell apart.
I keep several vases in the event I get any and love it when I get flowers!
Personally I think it is awesome for a woman to give a man flowers, but I am not like a lot of other men I think.
If a woman gave/gives me flowers I would/do unequivocally take notice and interest.
View attachment 135073

I also want to thank @All-Rounder for the types of love link! Good info and it sent me down a rabbit hole to learn more on building emotional intimacy. Thank you, I appreciate you.
You're so very welcome, I'm glad to hear that.

The art inclined have more interest in the beauty and colors of flowers. I used to ask men about colors, they were so uninterested and only seemed to know generic colors. At a point I read it's common for men. But I've always wanted to meet someone who had different views on colors and was fascinated by more than the main ones and could name them. And I know some girls had the same problem.

I love flowers with a scent, you wake up and the room is filled with color, elegant petals in frail and voluminous stems and this wonderful natural scent, there is nothing to compare to it. In the flower season I bought myself flowers, and when somebody gives me flowers it's a gift that will bring me joy every day for a while and I switch them up, arrange them in different ways, remove the dying, ribbon them to get them looking best every day.
Having walked away many times, one day got talking about topic of telling him (NT) what I want in relationship. Conclusion was couldn't draw up list of things I want or keep asking, if person can't do it themself they not a soul mate. And that (at time I thought may be Buddhist) so that we sometimes never meet a soul mate in this lifetime, so best aside from bad childhood to never have kids, maybe in next life when meet someone, it's important to click, more than survival of species.

Is this autism, or something else affecting me.
One example is very clear, if he is sitting on date looking at other women, he's not interested, and I'm not going to be so rude as having explain that one to him.
Certain men or part of society isn't going to accept to a woman buying man flowers (deemed inappropriate)
Some idiot girl trying to pick up a Mucho guy may provoke negative reaction, not just cause a man is really vocal and entitled to say what he wants but because such type of male may feel don't want slutty girls going around promoting this feministic crap.
Obviously, if you've read some of my posts, you know that I have been with the same woman for nearly 40 years. We've figured things out by now. However, I am also very much autistic from a social and communication perspective and understand what that means in terms of initiating and maintaining a relationship. I am also Gen X, so I am rather in the mindset of gender roles, chivalry, treating a woman like a lady, being protective, being mentally and physically strong, and not putting up with other people's crap.

At lot to chew on here in these 3 posts, but just some thoughts:

(1). If you are autistic, like me, you will likely have some degree of "mind-blindness" in the sense that the only perspective you can fully appreciate is your own. You are not a mind reader. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that I have zero idea what my wife is thinking at any given time. I will never, ever know her. This is my curse, and I have to live with that. I always have to ask her things. If I try to put myself in her shoes and come to some conclusion as to what she might be thinking, I will likely be wrong, and again, this is someone I've lived with for some 40 years. It's the type of silent disability that, if you don't recognize it and accept it, it will destroy a relationship in short order.
(2). On the other hand, it is also common for many autistics to not have a lot of facial expressions and have their voice inflections, body language, and other non-verbal communication match their verbal communication. We've had these discussions about someone "looking" autistic, as in a photo. Once you recognize it, it becomes rather obvious, but I tend to see it more in adult males. This general lack of facial muscle engagement around the eyes, forehead, cheekbones, and mouth. It can come off as rather "unexpressive", and if someone is seeing this, it's very difficult for them to "read". At any rate, it's all this nuanced, micro-expressions, voice intonation, body language, etc. that most neurotypicals key in on and respond to during day-to-day interactions. Something that many autistics struggle with. Within the context of your comment above about your partner not recognizing your needs and wants, and expecting him to just "know" is not fair at all. I always have to ask. I don't understand hints, either. It has zero to do with being some sort of soul-mate. My wife and I are soul mates, but we still have to communicate effectively.
(3). There are males that are insecure and are struggling with that in rather toxic ways, usually controlling behaviors (mentally and physically), but also tend to be loud, boisterous, dressing a certain way, driving certain types of vehicles, all in some attempt to come off as "tough" or "alpha". When presented with a strong, independent woman, they will either reject or try to control. Best to steer clear of this sort of man.
(4). Looking at other people we find attractive, watching porn, reading those "romance novels", is not always a sign that they are unsatisfied with their partners. We are human beings and marriage is something relatively new to our species. Sure, there are plenty of good reasons to have a committed, monogamous relationship with someone, that's well established and no argument there. However, to expect you or your partner to not look at someone physically attractive is not realistic. Sure, if you are insecure, it may come off as disrespectful. If you are not insecure in your relationship, then it's something you can tease each other about. I know my wife loves watching action movies with me, not for the movie, but for these finely built, muscular actors, like Chris Hemsworth in Thor. She reads at least one "romance" novel a week, and there's a lot of descriptive sex in those pages. I know that when we go out to a restaurant, there might be some guy in there that will catch her eye. At 58 years old, when I see that, I know she hasn't given up on life, but it doesn't stop me from playfully teasing her about it from time to time. It's OK.
(5). Then you bring up "feminist crap". Having grown up with feminism in the 70's until now, it has really changed. My wife is an "old school" feminist. Very independent, has her career, makes her own money, doesn't take any crap from men. However, still grounded in the fact that she recognizes the benefits of marriage, a strong and respectful husband and father to her children, and that men, in general, are responsible for building and maintaining nearly all the modern conveniences and infrastructure that she enjoys in the modern world. The modern feminist narrative is that men are worthless, stupid, and disposable, and blind to the fact that the internet connection and satellites that are spreading that information are built and maintained by roughly 80% men. That the car they drive, the home they live in, the roads, the electricity, the heating and air-conditioning, the trucks that brought them their food and clothing, the clean water they use, primarily there for her because of men. So, yes, when a man is presented with one of these idiots, it's a complete turnoff. Furthermore, when this "feminist" woman expects the man to be over 6 feet tall, have a 6-pack of abs, make a 6-figure income, (less than 0.1% of the population) and not expect her to contribute to the relationship, but to just take care of her in this one-sided relationship as if they are a queen and the man is her servant, men are just going to say, NO. Then the woman gets upset and can't figure out why men are not interested in her. Well, pull your head out of your behind, sis. Not to mention the adverse effects upon children that do not have a strong, engaged father in their life: https://americafirstpolicy.com/issu...text=In one study, 70% of,to get As in school.

A lot here, but just a few thoughts on the topic.
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Try to limit unnecessary and personal details but for educational purposes I've decided to open up and discuss problems with being a-sexual female.
Firstly it's in bible that women must give husband sex, or the theory on to keep your man. But in truth I didn't feel happy about sexual favours whilst pregnant, it made pregnancy smutty in my eyes.
I clearly remember going off to the shop to choose my own baby food, didn't like mom-in-laws choices, but didn't want to be rude and say anything. So I bought box of Nestle rice porridge, and still remember looking at picture of baby bird and thinking of not licking babies spoon, despite brushing my teeth. Being playful that day, I tried my all sorts of variations of car parking in baby's mouth garage, and whatever. Honestly I was unhappy about his BJ and smutty and had much later spoken to mommy dearest who said some tribes that don't allow man near women until child is about 2 years old, maybe in old traditions had more than 1 wife so it worked. To this day it's in my head about it whenever see baby being fed. Its inability to multi-task or transition between hoe in bedroom vs mother and choice of purity/Nestle etc.
It's really difficult when you not designed for this world and pressured by baby, pressured to make relationship work, giving up all your views and values and feeling empty and unhappy...
Just like masking.

A point above was about men who make blatant public attacks at feminists who attempt to make first move and for Asperger female it can be real social rejection experience that stands out. Should we be running around picking up men a la Japanese manga fantasies, not so sure. If she initiates sex moves it could just leave her prone to womanizing and one night stands where men doesn't receive message that he must stick around as he's finished hunting and hence Asperger female is left feeling lonely, unaccepted in relationships and used.
Not sure if this is me or other females agree, but noticing immaturity or tendency to overheat men discussing sexual details of encounters is such a turn off. Absolutely avoidant of these types of guys and placing myself in local gossip, rather be by myself.
If he has this quality well there's nothing to discuss he moves straight to reject list if this is how men behave, I want no part of it.

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