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Hyperactivity/hyper focus taking over my job


oh hamburgers!
V.I.P Member
I get too excited whenever it comes to doing various tasks like grocery curb out delivery, to the point I accidentally damaged a person’s car. As a result, I’m placed on a temporary hiatus from doing so. The store is paying for the damage to the person’s car. I can’t be in other departments aside from a FSC as I could injure myself on the equipment due to my hyperactivity. I’ve had issues like this in the past, mostly in grade school. I was on ADHD medication at one point to help control my hyperactivity symptoms which I have sense gone off of as I thought I didn’t need them anymore. What should I do?
I can’t be in other departments aside from a FSC as I could injure myself on the equipment due to my hyperactivity.
What is FSC?

Definitely worth bringing up to your doctor.

Could your hyperactivity be related to anxiety? Something else?
This is just a suggestion, but this breathing technique really works for me when I need to calm down. Nobody showed me it that I can remember, I just do it and it works. I stop and close my eyes.(you can do it with your eyes open too.) Hands open and relaxed down at my sides. Then I scoop upwards with my palms up, like I'm bringing water to my face, but slowly as I breathe in through my nose. I direct the breath to the sacral plexus or about two inches below the bellybutton as I slowly move my hands up the center to the center of my chest, at this point I feel a pleasant sensation in my neck and upper back but I don't stop there. When I pass the center of the chest my hands move out toward my shoulders with my fingers pointing up and palms facing my shoulders. The whole time your hands are moving slowly up you are inhaling slowly and hold it in until you complete this circular motion. Then with your palms down as you exhale slowly through your mouth you are slowly pushing with palms down back to where you started. Basically back into the ground. It only takes about one breath to feel lighter. I hope this helps you.

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