Mystic Turtles
I am just having a week--i know it will get better. I have severe dyscalculia. I can quote you some reams of poetry but cannot remember my phone number after a year.. our time sheets are in excel at work. I cannot do excel because as soon as i look away from a number I forget it and my eyes don't follow things in rows but they skip around. Sequences can be impossible and my short term memory barriers make it impossible to remember what i have completed from one moment to the next. It has gotten me fired again and again. I love my job--I'm the advocacy coordinator for a disability center. My role is among other things to advocate for accommodations for disabled folks like myself. I love my co workers besides the 2 directors and I get to do alot of writing and research. I don't want to lose it. I've been dealing with the timesheete by basically having the exact same schedule to the minute every day, but every time it changes everything implodes. Going out on a limb but I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for accommodations or replacements for excel for occasions when my schedule has changed. It is a stereotypes yes but autistic people can rock at math and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for alternative formats, tip tricks, accommodations that can replace excel or offer a different system that the accountant would not have to do extra work for? I would be so appreciative