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i am confused about the spectrum


Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone:

i were just researching about the difference of HFA, autism and asperger and i am confused , just i got raised as an NT but happens that i were not an NT , is hard to explain at 2004 i found out that i might have autism spectrum on 2019 i told to my doctor and later of test confirmed my suspects but we decided do not go further into an diagnosis , now was researching and basically or technically i have HFA since that i was raised as NT and try to work as such but if people watch closer appears the things like avoid eye contact and so on, so just am a bit confused, with classification, also this year have realized that have done many errors by do not be aware of the socializing problems that comes with it, probably my ignorance to the subject already persist.or were too busy acting as NT .

my question is any difference between HFA/Asperger and Autism or just there is not differences or not bigger ones?

best regards
In the USA we just have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Asperger's Syndrome used to be a type of Autism that was diagnosed, but is no longer used. We all have ASD, level1,2 or 3. Level 1 needs the least support and 3 the most. HFA was never a diagnosis, or even official, but just a unspecific term some people use to describe some people on the spectrum (probably closest in meaning to ASD-1).
Going by the classic criteria (which was only changed in the DSM-5 in 2015), the difference between Kanner autism, and Asperger autism, was speech delay. Aspies tend to be more likely to develop on time with verbal skills, often using words that kids their age wouldn't even know.
Hello to everyone:

i were just researching about the difference of HFA, autism and asperger and i am confused , just i got raised as an NT but happens that i were not an NT , is hard to explain at 2004 i found out that i might have autism spectrum on 2019 i told to my doctor and later of test confirmed my suspects but we decided do not go further into an diagnosis , now was researching and basically or technically i have HFA since that i was raised as NT and try to work as such but if people watch closer appears the things like avoid eye contact and so on, so just am a bit confused, with classification, also this year have realized that have done many errors by do not be aware of the socializing problems that comes with it, probably my ignorance to the subject already persist.or were too busy acting as NT .

my question is any difference between HFA/Asperger and Autism or just there is not differences or not bigger ones?

best regards
The difference is one of terminology. The US DSM-V rolled up Asperger's into Autism Spectrum Disorder. Europe and the WHO did not and keeps it as a separate diagnosis due to strong verbal and/or mathematical abilities.

ASD is grouped into levels 1, 2, 3 depending on severity. High functioning autism (HFA) is level 1 ASD by a different name. Asperger's would be considered level 1 ASD in the US.

Level one can live in society without external support, they may just be miserable.
Level three cannot survive long without substantial external support.
Level two is everyone in between.

Of course, levels of ASD are entirely subjective, unscientific, and can vary wildly depending on who is doing the evaluation and when.

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