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I am new here, I have to tell you....


Active Member
Hello !

I'm new. I have Asperger syndrome.

I feel like an outsider most of the time.

I'm trying all the time to fit in, but it's not possible. I hate chit-chat. I don't like usual social situations, I prefer
small groups of people I like, or just me alone.

I try to listen when my mom or my friend calls me and tell me about their every little detail of "daily routine".
I try to be a good friend to my friends, and listen when they talk about make-up, gym, hair dues and stuff....but I hate it.

I try to pay attention to my friends when we go for a coffee or something, but all the noises, and other people conversations
disturbs me and I find it very difficult to focus. I often feel like sick after being in a mall or other noisy,crowdy places.

I cant find people like me. I'm very lonely. I dont know anyone with Asperger syndrome and nobody seems to understand me
when I try to explain how I feel. I'm just told to ignore the sounds, or try to like chit-chats, or try to go to the gym and talk
about make-up.

Im from a little country, I'm not english so sorry for my english.
Welcome to the forum. I hope that this is the one place that you won't feel like an outside. I know for sure that this is my one safe haven to come to. I feel like the people here are my extended family and I hope that you will come to feel the same. I think that your english is just fine.

As for the sounds, I can understand how that would be overwhelming sometimes. I think some aspies have more trouble with this than others.

so where are you from? how old are you? I look forward to getting to know you :)
Thank you.
I'm 31 and I'm from Iceland. I dont know any Aspies here.
How old are you ? And where are you from ?
well this November I turn 31 myself and I am in Florida, USA. I only know one aspie adult here locally and he is on this forum. his name here is Nolan.
What are your special interest ?

When did you have your diagnose ? Do you have children ?
I love working on cars (most of the time), I love photography. I don't have an official diagnosis. My mom and aunt are both in the medical field, when my cousin was diagnosed, they compared how he was growing up and how I was and decided I also was probably on the spectrum. I have never been married and have had very few relationships so no children.
Hello there gister! Nice to meet you and I'm very much the same way when it comes to dealing with things and stuff and all the stimulation that just bombards you.

I'm 23 and I'm from the United States.
Hi Gister! Welcome to Aspies Central.

You've definitely come to a great place to meet people with AS. We're an extremely friendly and accepting group of individuals (this is the reason I like to call our community a close-knit family), so feel free to chat with us whenever you like. You have a high chance of making friends on here, that I guarantee. Hope you enjoy all we have to offer here.

P.S.: I thought your English was written really well.

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