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I am new on this forum and I am saying hello

Hello everyone. This is my first post.
Hello. This is not my first post. I have made many many many posts… more than I would have ever imagined because this is a fun and useful place to talk and read and think. Welcome.
Welcome to the forum. We don't count how many posts you do, but maybe we could win hats or keychains or something for posts over 50,000. :)

Hey, any special interests?
Welcome to the forum. We don't count how many posts you do, but maybe we could win hats or keychains or something for posts over 50,000. :)

Hey, any special interests?
Thank you very much Aspychata. I am a nurse practitioner and that keeps me very busy, but I always find a way to distract and escape to where I can find people with similar interests. I feel very happy to join this forum. I grow special cacti and succulents as hobby, plants that you cannot find at any retail store. I spend a lot of time tending them. I like watching TV series and movies.
Just watching a YouTube on how to save Orchids which never seem to survive in my abode. The person cut off the dead roots, dropped some candle wax on the ball of the root. Soaked in cinnamon water, for antifungal properties for 20-40 mins, then planted. Alot of people share pictures of their hobbies, so you will see art, beautiful cats and dog pictures, auto pictures and even photos of landscapes etc.

Thanks for all you do. We have an incredible shortage of hospital personnel in my area now at three big hospitals.
Hi and welcome!
I enjoy saving orchids and succulents also.

@Aspychata That is a very correct way to save Orchids.
Overwatering is the main cause of problems. I spray mine with mist.

@gggrick What type of cacti and succulents do you work with? :cactus:

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