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I bought a set of dumbbells


Video game and movie addict.
V.I.P Member
Now I will be using YouTube videos on beginner dumbbell exercises to expedite burning off the visceral fat in my belly.

Anybody have any advice or tips here that could be put to use here?
Anybody have any advice or tips here that could be put to use here?

This is awesome!

I think the hardest part for most people is sticking with it, so my only advice is to not go too hard at first (you don't want an injury, because that really stops the habit-forming process) and just try to make it a regular habit. Finding the parts you like about it (if it feels good, or if you can pair a fun activity with exercising -- even better!) can make the difference between making it a regular habit or having your workout gear collect dust in the corner.

Also, even though it might help you, working out has never helped with my visceral fat. I'm only about 5 pounds 'overweight' (I'm very short, so it's easy to see I've got a belly), but exercise has definitely bulked me up and given me noticeable muscle, and that part is cool. Most of all though, the way it feels is why I've stuck with it.

If you need any exercise motivation or tips, you can feel free to send them my way :)
It's extremely difficult to "target" the fat in a particular part of your body.
If you ask a doctor they'll say it's "impossible", but I've read that high-end body-builders can do stuff like that.

The thing is though, they've been working out for years. Expecting similar results as a "mere mortal" is unrealistic.

You can absolutely (100%) train off fat though. The issue isn't reducing it, it's the sequence.
So work out a set of exercises that covers your whole body, develop a routine (as others have mentioned, this is very important), and start training.

After a while, your belly fat will be "next on the list" as far as your body's normal operation is concerned, and it will start to melt away.

As per Kayla55's post above, sit-ups and crunches are great exercise for your stomach muscles - definitely start with them ASAP.
For sit-ups, get something to hold your ankles down comfortably. A bench as high as the length from your butt to the back of your knees (less a bit) is fine for crunches. You probably have something at home that will work well.

Some final advice if you haven't done this before: your muscles won't be perfectly balanced for most exercises.
So there will be some "lazy" muscles that are weak points relative to the full set of muscles used for any given exercise.

It's quite easy to overload these in the beginning, and not impossible to strain them.
So the general rule is to train light for a while (at least a month). So more reps, lighter dumbbells rather than the reverse. OFC the same principle applies to sit-up, crunches, whatever you choose to hit your chest, etc.

You can't exactly feel it when all the muscles you use for a specific exercise are in balance, but you'll notice it indirectly.
Now I will be using YouTube videos on beginner dumbbell exercises to expedite burning off the visceral fat in my belly.

Anybody have any advice or tips here that could be put to use here?
After being in high-level competitive athletics for 25 years or so, having spent my time around world-class athletes and listening to their advice, there are two simple facts, (1) "You cannot exercise your way out of a poor diet." and (2) "You cannot target fat loss." Depending upon your genetics and where your body deposits fat, do understand that fat will be released at a fairly even distribution all over your body. Some people carry the majority of their fat weight around their waist and little around their face and neck, so when they diet and lose say 5mm of fat (using a pinch test), that 5mm might be all they have on their face and neck, so it appears lean, but around the waist there might be 100mm, so losing 5mm around the waist, still leaves you with 95mm and you still appear "fat". You can do abdominal exercises all day long, but any weight loss will be seen all over your body, not specifically around the waist.

You can get stronger, faster, more skilled and coordinated with exercise, but if you are trying to sculpt your body, the diet is critical. Without the diet component, sure, with strength training, you will look better, clothing will fit better, you will feel better, etc. because the muscles will fill out and you become stronger, but any fat loss will be limited. I have competed with many powerlifters who were brutally strong, spent hours training hard, but also carried a lot of fat. I also trained along side competitive bodybuilders, who swung from a "bulking phase" to a "cutting phase" with their diet and training. The BEST dieters are the competitive bodybuilders as they know how to cut fat weight quickly for the stage, and when I say quickly, it's that last 12-16 weeks or so prior to the contest. There is a science to all of this, so if you are serious about learning how to diet, I would direct my attention to the advice from professional bodybuilders. There is so much disinformation out there, I would just go straight to the people who actually do this sort of thing for a living.

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In addition to weight-work, consider learning a martial art (kick boxing is da bomb).

You will get a great cardio workout, improve body posture and muscular coordination, and improve self confidence.

Total win!
I just recently purchased a walking pad, because some days l don't get to the gym, kinda of handling depression right now. The walking pad is quiet, and immediately lifts my mood. And it's small,l lean it up on a door that isn't used.
It's extremely difficult to "target" the fat in a particular part of your body.
If you ask a doctor they'll say it's "impossible", but I've read that high-end body-builders can do stuff like that.
I've always read it's impossible to target a particular area for fat loss. You can target specific areas for muscle growth, but your body pretty much always burns fat more or less equally all over.

As for body builders, they typically have very little to loose to begin with and a calorie need so large that even what would be a normal amount of food for the average person they'll still burn fat.

I've gone from 240 to 175 and there are no short cuts. Just consistent healthy choices and being physically active daily. When I lost that weight it took the better part of 18 months.

Obviously results may vary but thinking you'll loose your belly if you start doing crunches every day is pretty misguided and futile.
I just recently purchased a walking pad, because some days l don't get to the gym, kinda of handling depression right now. The walking pad is quiet, and immediately lifts my mood. And it's small,l lean it up on a door that isn't used.
What is a walking pad?

Edit: I looked it up.

Something like this?


Looks interesting - never saw this before.
Yes, my walking pad looks like that. I like it. I can easily roll it away. It only goes as high as 3.75 speedwise.
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I find this machine fun to use, and supports your arms. My machine came with a pad to place under my bony knees.
I used to own an ab roller years ago. I forgot all about it. I loved it! Great machine. Took the pressure off the back. Made crunches easy. Feeling the burn in the core, but not the back or hips. And you get a tiny little bit of an arm work out. You can even alternate arms. You can get them for pretty cheap. I got the one I had at Big Lots.

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