I’ve been listening to her audiobook, just because she had a stroke and a near death experience, and as she was doing the reading, I thought it would at least be read well.
I woke up in the night and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to listen to a bit more of it. I put my earphones in and lay down to listen.
At some point I must have fallen asleep, but not in a way where I stopped being able to hear her story. In fact, I tried to stop listening at some point. I’d had enough of hearing her voice in my head. But when I turned off the recording, thinking I was still awake, she kept talking. I couldn't understand what was going on. When I pulled the ear phones out of my ears she kept talking! Now I really had no idea what was going on.
I’d had an experience like this many years earlier. I would listen to a podcast at night on my radio, and sometimes I would fall asleep. I would wake up in the exact same surroundings and reach over and turn it off, and it wouldn't turn off, so I'd turn the power off and it would still be playing, and then I realised I had to be dreaming. The moment I realised I was dreaming everything changed. I became lucid and had an experience of lucidity that was very interesting. But not this time.
I must have been deep in the dream because there was no recognition of dreaming at all. Nothing dawned on me that this had to be a dream. It was just what was happening. Then I discovered something else. While I continued to hear Sharon Stone's voice in my head, I could not hear any other sound. I was completely deaf to anybody's voice or any sound in the world. Silence, except for Sharon Stone in my head telling me her story. In fact I got so confused at one point, while trying to communicate what was going on for me to somebody there, I felt I had to write it down, completely forgetting that they could hear me speak no problem, I just couldn't hear them answer. I had to stop Sharon stone from talking in my head. It was driving me crazy. While she is an actress, and speaks her words far better than other people who have made audiobooks, she also has quite a monotonous, almost monosyllabic droning voice at times, and without being able to stop it, it was like torture!
I was awake enough to still be following the story, everything made sense, even though I didn't want to listen to it now. The scene of the dream changed a few times and yet it was all about how to cope with having Sharon Stone's voice in my head, seemingly forever. It was only when I suddenly realised I had no choice but to accept it. That I could accept it. I woke up and realised why I had Sharon Stone's voice in my head, and turned it off, and the peace from the silence was absolutely incredible.
I looked at how long I'd been listening for…one hour 40 minutes had gone by since I’d put it on; an eternity in dreamtime, and yet I was aware of her words being spoken at their usual pace…one second per second, normal speaking cadence, and yet it felt like it had been an eternity of torture; I would never find peace. There would never be silence again.
In my daily life this would not have been such a terrible discovery. I spend so much time with earplugs in that to have total silence would not necessarily be torture, but to discover that it would come with a monotonous droning voice telling me a story I no longer wanted to listen to, would be.
I’ve never had a dream like that before where I wasn't able to discover I was dreaming, or wake up sooner as one does from a nightmare. But it revealed something about my current situation, and how things have been for me. In the dream I had to accept it. Completely. I had to accept it first, and only then did it change. A powerful metaphor for life. When things aren't going as I might want them to go, accept them as they are first and then they will change.
I woke up in the night and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to listen to a bit more of it. I put my earphones in and lay down to listen.
At some point I must have fallen asleep, but not in a way where I stopped being able to hear her story. In fact, I tried to stop listening at some point. I’d had enough of hearing her voice in my head. But when I turned off the recording, thinking I was still awake, she kept talking. I couldn't understand what was going on. When I pulled the ear phones out of my ears she kept talking! Now I really had no idea what was going on.
I’d had an experience like this many years earlier. I would listen to a podcast at night on my radio, and sometimes I would fall asleep. I would wake up in the exact same surroundings and reach over and turn it off, and it wouldn't turn off, so I'd turn the power off and it would still be playing, and then I realised I had to be dreaming. The moment I realised I was dreaming everything changed. I became lucid and had an experience of lucidity that was very interesting. But not this time.
I must have been deep in the dream because there was no recognition of dreaming at all. Nothing dawned on me that this had to be a dream. It was just what was happening. Then I discovered something else. While I continued to hear Sharon Stone's voice in my head, I could not hear any other sound. I was completely deaf to anybody's voice or any sound in the world. Silence, except for Sharon Stone in my head telling me her story. In fact I got so confused at one point, while trying to communicate what was going on for me to somebody there, I felt I had to write it down, completely forgetting that they could hear me speak no problem, I just couldn't hear them answer. I had to stop Sharon stone from talking in my head. It was driving me crazy. While she is an actress, and speaks her words far better than other people who have made audiobooks, she also has quite a monotonous, almost monosyllabic droning voice at times, and without being able to stop it, it was like torture!
I was awake enough to still be following the story, everything made sense, even though I didn't want to listen to it now. The scene of the dream changed a few times and yet it was all about how to cope with having Sharon Stone's voice in my head, seemingly forever. It was only when I suddenly realised I had no choice but to accept it. That I could accept it. I woke up and realised why I had Sharon Stone's voice in my head, and turned it off, and the peace from the silence was absolutely incredible.
I looked at how long I'd been listening for…one hour 40 minutes had gone by since I’d put it on; an eternity in dreamtime, and yet I was aware of her words being spoken at their usual pace…one second per second, normal speaking cadence, and yet it felt like it had been an eternity of torture; I would never find peace. There would never be silence again.
In my daily life this would not have been such a terrible discovery. I spend so much time with earplugs in that to have total silence would not necessarily be torture, but to discover that it would come with a monotonous droning voice telling me a story I no longer wanted to listen to, would be.
I’ve never had a dream like that before where I wasn't able to discover I was dreaming, or wake up sooner as one does from a nightmare. But it revealed something about my current situation, and how things have been for me. In the dream I had to accept it. Completely. I had to accept it first, and only then did it change. A powerful metaphor for life. When things aren't going as I might want them to go, accept them as they are first and then they will change.