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i cant remember or pick up words from people


hi does anyone forget what people say to them or cant understand someone talking to you if there not facing you even without face mask ?
It's hard to communicate with a mask on,one of the dangers of being in customer service is people removing there masks to place an order
hi does anyone forget what people say to them or cant understand someone talking to you if there not facing you even without face mask ?
This has been a problem all my life. I can get instructions, and agree on the definitions of all words used, and yet the message I get can be radically different from the message given. Since body language, tonal inflection, and facial expression are meaningless to me, half the information is not received. Words that I am not aware are directed to me do not register. The only way I get anything is to intensely focus on the person talking. Of course, since I abhor eye contact........

Over the years, I have found the best way to deal with the problem is to get written instructions and avoid dealing directly with people as if they all had active infections of Ebola.

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