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I can't reply to threads anymore.

I'm trying to reply to the "What do you consider rude" thread, which is on page six.
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This happens to my app when someone replies to my status. I get notified, but can't view it. Have to check it on desktop or safari. It's annoying.
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Brent this is an issue with Apple devices I beleive. My iPad has also begun to show these issues, and it only recently started earlier today. Other websites I visit are also showing similar issues, so i don't know if it's anything you can fix.
No pics no avatars iPhone 5s
Version 7.1.2. I have not upgraded in months.
No pics no avatars iPhone 5s
Version 7.1.2. I have not upgraded in months.
I have the same issue but I have the Galaxy Note 3. I can use the default web browser or Chrome and no images appears. This issue happen to me yesterday.
I have the same issue but I have the Galaxy Note 3. I can use the default web browser or Chrome and no images appears. This issue happen to me yesterday.
Really? That's odd. I wonder what's going on...
I've still got issues seeing images. I think the trouble with replying is an issue with the touchscreens. They seem to be out of alignment. Sometimes you have to press just above the button, or be quite persistent, before it registers, and sometimes it simply refuses, though again, that's not exclusive to this site, but seems to be an issue with the overall device. It's not constant though, which makes it easier.

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