Roy, I had a few additional questions, separated by more relevant information about my wife's medical situation and beliefs, though your past posts contained a lot of useful information. Only answer what you are comfortable answering though, as I am not sure how much you wish to reveal.
Questions: Let's say you one day somehow felt you finally got the right diagnosis. How could that help you? Would you take that information to either try to help yourself in some ways, to get certain type of medical help only, or to get assistance from others that might relate more? Or a combination of those? In other words, how would you choose to use that information to benefit you?
Both my wife and I understand your lack of trust towards medical persons, in terms of diagnostics or treatment, as she and our second son had horrible medical experiences with medical professionals that were supposed to show competency and care. Each medical case should be met with open mind by the professional and
with diligence, otherwise, a distrust with them starts to occur, as many conditions can be similar in terms of signs and symptoms, and so diagnostics is important to either get the right treatment or to make the right choices.
For instance, lots of doctors will say they treat the signs and symptoms, and not to worry about diagnosis. That is stupid. So, under that theory one would for example treat Borderline Personality, the same as Bipolar Disorder? They often have the same signs and symptons, and patients are misdiagnosed all the time as having the one condition, instead of the other, if not comorbid. And if one has comorbid conditions, realize bettering some signs and symptoms, could worsen others, if that treatment did not address or if it would worsen the other condition. So, while many conditions are genetic and may be helped with meds, lots of conditions are caused from poor upbringing or traumatic situation, and thus certain treatments would be improper for such.
My wife had twenty years of failed diagnoses and thus just failed treatments, causing severe life threatening side effects and deteriorating health. To expect patients with certain health issues to put up with either robotic, quick, inaccurate or incomplete diagnostics, some sheep following, drug pushing or financial agenda, or with stereotyping based on gender and signs and symptoms shown to fit some bias, just to get some quick guinea pig experience treatment, is dumb. Lots of patients are smarter than accepting that. They know lots of analysis, communication and empathy based on the situation needs to be considered, or else things could become worse.
My wife finally found a doctor, at my insistence that she try just one more that would finally give her lots of testing, as we both felt she was misdiagnosed all those years. That was why no meds or other treatments were working. Those professionals never analyzed well, dug deeper, or communicated much, to relevant parties. Doctors consistently diagnosed one or more various things in my wife, like GAD, Bipolar, Borderline Personality, and Depression, and then later with Bipolar with Psycotic features, and yet in her case her diagnoses were all likely wrong, and her suspicions were more real, despite some paranoia present on the surface. And so in her case, her hatred towards, fears, and mistrust of certain entities was based on her bad traumatic experiences with those medical professionals, and with her prior disowned family. Yours suspiciousness and any hallucinations may or may not be related to your bad life experiences, your problems with sleep, or with genetics.
Question: Any family history of psychosis issues?
So, my wife gets a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation, nine hours of testing over three days, after getting a detailed twelve page report of all my observations of her, in all settings, and under all stressors, mentioning her abilities too, and her parents, and all those behaviors in them that I saw first hand while dating her as a live-in with her and her mother for a few years, and in my contacts with her Dad in person. I submitted none of my wife's other medical reports, as they were inaccurate, showed incompetency or biases, and as none of those doctors showed real compassion or care, and when things deteriorated under their care.
After that extensive 3 days of testing, she was evaluated as having severe ADHD, and soon after PTSD was seen as a comorbid condition with her adhd, once a government medical person triggered her severely, causing an episode of severe suspiciousness, as she hyperfocuses on and is traumatized by such entities because of her past, from life living with a very cold, critical and materialistic bureaucratic acting mother who always neglected her emotional needs and desires, had life policies on her, and from my wife's dealings with her neglectful and enabling Dad who had adhd concentration and related issues too, but refused to admit any parental wrongs and daughter behavioral wrongs, too, despite her numerous hospitalizations, problems at school, and behavioral issues. They were both ignorant or in denial of all such things. They needed to present themselves to the world as loving, caring and fit parents. They were not.
My wife researched things after her accurate diagnoses, and is doing what is best for her regarding treatment. Keep in mind she is more into natural type remedies though, and other treatments that seem more reasonable based on her medical life experiences, and things tried that made matters worse, and she has different beliefs and ways to approach her conditions, for the benefit of us as family, which I am supportive of her treatment decisions, which relaxes her, takes her mind off things, and where that excess energy is better used.
Questions: Back to the op's situation, what is your desires regarding your living situation? Do you think you could handle life alone with the right support near, desire life alone, or do you prefer or need another living situation where less loneliness would occur, like live-in friend, or partner soon or one day? Would you be ok with disability benefit assistance, or have a goal to try work again one day?