Well-Known Member
I went to asda earlier. And when I went to the self checkout, I noticed an apple i phone on there, so I put it in my pocket. I took it out with me, and was debating whether to keep it or not. I wouldn't really even want one for myself, I use a phone to phone or text people, and don't want all that extra stuff. I did ring a friend, cause he might have bought it off me, but his phone was off. So instead of taking it home with me, my conscience came back, and I handed it into security. I know I would want someone to do the same, but how many people out of ten would? I think stuff like, "if its some rich bastard, why worry?" But then, what made me wanna hand it in, is they could have priceless stuff on there, who knows. I wonder how much I coulda got for it? Don't say over 100 lol. They asked for my details at the store, so maybe the person will go and claim it. The security guy thanked me for being honest, so that counts for something. If the person calls me, then that'd make it worth it, £100 or so, isn't gonna change me life. I guess i'd rather be one of the honest people in the world, like I was bought up to be, but on another day, i'd have kept it.