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I Finally Got a Job Offer!!!


Well-Known Member
I’ve been having a good week so far especially today as after 7 long grueling months of of unemployment and going through 20 interviews I finally got a job offer today! I am positioned as a sales representative at Home Depot. While It is not my ideal choice within my degree field I feel happy knowing hey I finally got a job, plus it’s a full time position which is unusual for corporate hardware retail to do that. Now I can finally make some livable income in the meantime and start focusing on myself for the better! Best of all I will not need to move out of my place of living afterall!
That news made my day! Alright. Pretty amazing you have full-time, 3/4 of the positions in my state seem like only p/t. Great news about keeping your place also.
I'm glad that you were finally able to get a job and can keep your home. Are you still planning to try to get into the other line of work eventually?
Well done, Dillon. You showed a lot of perseverance and resilience to get to this point. Happy to hear you don’t have to move. 🌈
I'm glad that you were finally able to get a job and can keep your home. Are you still planning to try to get into the other line of work eventually?
In pursuing the medical field? I thought about it for quite a while and honestly I do not believe I need more schooling just to gain more experience in a different field that I may not like later on. I also rather not accrue more school loan debt. I feel like this job although retail is more in a way of hands on experience such as getting to operate machinery and being able to be licensed to drive a forklift. Also I will be dealing with dangerous toxic and flammable chemicals and another focus I can use to stack up towards my college degree.
I can take those skills from a homedepot job and transfer them for an occupational safety or an environmental hazard type of roles. These are positions that still align with my long term career aspirations and what I went to school for. I’m still going to apply for full time jobs more related to my experience in environmental science in the meantime.

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