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I found my high school reports the other day

Misty Avich

I have ADHD
V.I.P Member
I had a look through them, and a lot of the teachers had written that I needed to pay attention to detail and not rush my work and to focus more. Some seemed to describe me as attentive though, but I probably looked attentive because I was shy and a well-behaved student, but they didn't seem to know I was daydreaming or not taking much in. And one or two mentioned that I seemed more focused on my friendship statuses than I did my work, so it interfered greatly with my work performance. They also said I needed to be more organised and stay on task.

Funny how a lot of my reports repeatedly mentioned this yet I still was never assessed for ADHD. It was mid-2000s so I believe ADHD became more than just "a naughty schoolboy" by then. I think it would have helped me know myself more if I had been diagnosed. I didn't know much about it back then but looking back on my old school reports I did tick all the boxes of a shy, anxious female with underlying ADHD.
When my daughter's elementary school teachers tried to critique her, l completely ignored it. Little kids are just small clay balls waiting to be shaped into useless little cogs to fit some huge corporate agenda. I raised her to find her standards and work towards that.
I had a look through them, and a lot of the teachers had written that I needed to pay attention to detail and not rush my work and to focus more. Some seemed to describe me as attentive though, but I probably looked attentive because I was shy and a well-behaved student, but they didn't seem to know I was daydreaming or not taking much in. And one or two mentioned that I seemed more focused on my friendship statuses than I did my work, so it interfered greatly with my work performance. They also said I needed to be more organised and stay on task.

Funny how a lot of my reports repeatedly mentioned this yet I still was never assessed for ADHD. It was mid-2000s so I believe ADHD became more than just "a naughty schoolboy" by then. I think it would have helped me know myself more if I had been diagnosed. I didn't know much about it back then but looking back on my old school reports I did tick all the boxes of a shy, anxious female with underlying ADHD.
I was always "Very polite and shy, but doesn't participate in class. Needs to improve her social skills but is an attentive student."

I got was flabbergasted by my teachers because they praised me for studying a lot, but in reality I just had a very good memory and ease of learning certain things. I rarely did my homework, but because I had good grades and was so quiet, teachers assumed I had done it 🤷🏻‍♀️
At first I was surprised by this, but then thought "OK... if that's what they think..." 🤷🏻‍♀️

They were very surprised whenever I misbehaved, but still liked me because I'd go to the principal's office and turn myself in.
I was always "Very polite and shy, but doesn't participate in class. Needs to improve her social skills but is an attentive student."

I got was flabbergasted by my teachers because they praised me for studying a lot, but in reality I just had a very good memory and ease of learning certain things. I rarely did my homework, but because I had good grades and was so quiet, teachers assumed I had done it 🤷🏻‍♀️
At first I was surprised by this, but then thought "OK... if that's what they think..." 🤷🏻‍♀️

They were very surprised whenever I misbehaved, but still liked me because I'd go to the principal's office and turn myself in.
Teachers also mentioned in my report that I needed to take more time to study. I just wanted to skip the studying and go straight to the task, even though that was why I often didn't understand the task.

The only teacher who said I needed to participate in class discussions more was my RE teacher, but I didn't discuss in any of those class discussions because I wasn't interested in religion or politics at all and found it boring. So I'd just sit and daydream my way through those classes.

Ahem, oftentimes I wish I HAD have paid more attention because maybe I would understand more about politics and debates in my adult life and gotten into less fights over it on the internet.
I worked with a wealthy family in my last year of high school. It was a family of three kids l was responsible for. I was kicked out of the house at 17, because of my stupid step-father not controlling himself. After l graduated from high school, l left to Finland for a year. I never got a chance to have much of a school life. HS was just a whirlwind.
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I worked with a wealthy family in my last year of high school. It was a family of three kids l was responsible for. I was kicked out of the house at 17, because l my stupid step-father not controlling himself. After l graduated from high school, l left to Findland for a year. I never got a chance to have much of a school life.
In my experience, schooling is overrated. I did love learning, but now find that I'd have done better if I'd gone to a trade/craft school or something like that.
I have all my school records, never took marks seriously. Until I got to college. For fun I made sure I got an A on every quality course I Took to see if would make any difference on my career. Applied for position of quality engineer 35 years experience close to twenty in this particular field coil coating, they hired outside candidate then they were surprised, when I retired at 65 and had a stroke 10 days later. That's life on the spectrum. It seems after I was gone they realized their error threatened to sue me if my knowledge found it's way to a competitor. Good luck with that
it was gained over many previous employers using my unusual skill set, Even the education I made sure I paid out of pocket before they employed me.
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@Masaniello I was told I looked out the window too much. Usually looking at trees or spiders making cobwebs lol. I didn't know how to ask for help, I was waiting for a teacher to come and help me but it never came
I wish I had my old school reports. There were so many things that would have indicated ASD. If you condensed them into a series of bullet points you'd likely be saying "This kid should be assessed for ASD and blimmin dyslexia asap!".

I remember each time I was sent home with my school report, I'd be hoping that I had successfully masked the things that were pointed out in the last school report. I never did really manage that lol. I'd always feel so embarrassed about statements like "Mildred prefers her own company", "Mildred seems quite often withdrawn", "Mildred will talk enthusiastically at length about computers but little else", "Mildred has a bizarre imagination.", "Mildred doesn't pay attention".

I really wish I could get ahold of them again.

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