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I guess the staff have to weigh things up


Well-Known Member
I guess the staff at the one stop shop autism charity where I attend have to weigh things up when it comes to sexual talk, swearing and making fun of people. They will say I guess making fun of people depends on the context. And I guess they will say if everyone is 18. But I try to avoid people who say and act in those ways as personally I don't like it. A little generally swearing I don't mind. But they do it a lot. I rarely hear, experience them behaving any differently. There is a kind of pressure to take part and I really don't want to, so for me I would rather staff have a word with them and if I am uncomfortable, others could be too!
I was made homeless and some people were like that in the homeless accommodation I was put in and some were violent as well, for me hearing all that is uncomfortable, they tried to bully me too in the homeless accommodation.

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