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I had been doing way with the word "DISORDER"


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
It's almost in the last 3 years I had been publishing video about autism on my YouTube channel "Aspie With Attitude" and I had been appreciating autism activism and autism rights since being on the autism spectrum is my life.

One thing in almost for the last 2 years I have figured out ways to abolish the term "DISORDER" whether if it's Autism Spectrum Disorder or Sensory Processing Disorder.


I had only by far made a video instead of saying "Sensory Processing Disorder", I alternatively came up with "Sensory Challenges" instead. I face sensory challenges in clothing since I mention how I live my life wearing tracksuits (Just like that Michigan Tracksuit I am wearing) due to the use of materials.

I have a video to explain this in full. I talk about other people who have VISUAL SENSORY CHALLENGES, how they're over sensitive to bright colours and how this all impacts on my love for computerised visual arts I include in my videos.

To see this video, there's the actual video down below.

I am using the terminology as "condition".

With respect to those who's lives are dramatically impacted by their autism, there is quite a bit of variability in its presentation. However, those who are not part of the community may not be aware of this concept and are relying upon stereotypes that are presented in the media. Many neurotypicals may not be aware that their physician, their I.T. person, their auto mechanic,...people they deal with,...may have an autistic condition. This is why, when it is revealed to them that this other person has an autism condition, they are surprised or even disbelieving,...then the well-meaning, but ignorant comments follow. "Wow, you must be one of the high-functioning ones!"...often said with a friendly smile,...completely unaware of the effort it is taking to put up this facade and hide all the difficulties we may be experiencing,...just so we don't stand out and make other people uncomfortable.

Now, if you are tossing around the terminology "disorder", one, it can throw some unneeded emotional baggage upon someone who is quite aware of their situation and potentially lower self-esteem and worsen depression. Two, this is the last thing we need when dealing with employers who really don't know what that means other than the fact that they would rather hire someone without a "disorder". Three, and this is one of my biggest rants, is that it is neurotypicals that often have "disordered" behavior on a grand scale,...and that is this overwhelming preoccupation with "sameness" and are quite resistant to neurodivergent, independent, "out-of-the-box" thinkers,...the same people that they ironically idolize as "great thinkers" that have propelled humanity forward in meaningful ways. Apparently,...we NEED autistics within the human population, or else, nothing would ever get done.:D
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I agree ,Neurotypicals don't say a horse is a disorder , just!!!!!!!!!! different ,Neurotypicals are too fascistic (thinking !!!!difference is weakness and should be destroyed-either murder or gbh(grievous bodily harm),what is now defined as assault by law-forced sterilisation)in their thinking to admit that difference is equal .
It's not a disorder. It's the NT world getting more bizarre, freakish, and unnatural. The human sensory never was never built to sustain jackhammers and leaf blowers and explosions and sirens and so forth.

A hawk screeching perhaps and maybe a lightening bolt.

Again, blaming the autie. We are not the disordered ones, the world is in disorder.
I don’t call anything a disorder. Nothing wrong with me I’m exactly like I was suppose to be made. People are made different, not only mentally but genetically. I’m not one to go out for a bunch of different sexes or anything like that, not even into the other slang. Whatever floats your boat or blows your skirt up (M’erican slang) Folks are just different, everybody should be nice.
On a similar note are we talking of ASD or ASC.

I am veering towards ASC personally, for just the same reason - avoiding disorder.
I've been using "difference" as in "sensory processing differences". (This doesn't work for "autism"..."autism spectrum difference" makes my hair stand on end lol. But in that case I just say "autistic".)

What baffles me a bit (and probably shouldn't) is that all the people who like to say "You're just different! There's nothing wrong with you!" object to the use of the word "autistic". I didn't SAY there was anything wrong with me, I said I'm autistic. Two entirely different things. (I really have to get better at fielding these sorts of comments too...I am typically met with a bunch of unnecessary flattery which knocks me for a mental loop and I don't respond the way I would like...then later I think wait a minute! They assumed I feel bad about myself, I really should have corrected that...)
then later I think wait a minute! They assumed I feel bad about myself, I really should have corrected that...)

Agree about that statement. In fact,...and this is my narcissistic trait talking,...I often look at many so-called neurotypicals as the ones with the disorder and in need of some mental help. :rolleyes::D I don't need to be felt sorry for because I don't act like you, "the normal person", when I have pride in myself for NOT acting like you. I have ZERO interest in being "normal".o_O

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