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I hate the people who try and make autism sound like a mental health problem!

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Well-Known Member
It's wrong autism is a neurological condition and the way people with that condition are treated by psychiatrists who have no clue what they are doing is stupid. If they see you for five minutes there is no way they know what is really wrong. If you have to have a long assessment by a psychologist who understands they clearly have more accurate idea about you. Autism is not a mental health problem, people in mental health discriminate against autistic individuals because rather than making reasonable adjustments due to you disability they argue with you, tell you you can't use it as an excuse (wtf tho, I'm trying to explain how it affects me! Not an excuse if I'm telling the truth!). No body who doesn't have it or who think they are right, it's been called fake? Like how is problems with how the brain functions fake. It's been called an excuse.... Why would I trust doctors who think like that. They need to go back and learn about those conditions before they let there ****** opinion ruin peoples lives... And before they look like they can't do there job! I can see heart conditions how stupid would I be if I told someone they fake it when they then die from it? I'd be stupid... If you don't know or agree do not work in that area... Leave it to people who actually know what they are doing! If I worked at a pizza restaurant and served someone with a burger because I don't agree with what they ordered, what the heck would be the point In me working at a pizza place? It's soo sooo soooooo stupid. I like how professionals get it wrong so often, it's always on the news, that someone they said was mentally ok go and kill them selfs after. When they sent a women home saying she's got anxiety.... And it was a heart attack. What are they doing work In an area u understand! Not one you don't understand or believe leave that to people who actually know what they are doing. Do your job and stop! I mean it stop! Ruining other peoples lives by not sticking to what you've learned and using personal issues u have with a person or your opinion about their condition when your clearly wrong to hurt people who need help... It's sad and wrong!!
I was very pissed I learned from a co worker the manager limit the task I can do for my job because of my disability and he believe I won't be able to handle much at the company. But this co worker knew I could handle more.

I find there is a lot of horrible news reporters out there. Technically they support to do their research but it seems it something not many are doing these days.
I know. I'm one of those rare people know how to stand up for my self and also report issues I consider not fair.
Good. This one organization I thinking how I want to deal with them tomorrow. They suppose to help people with disabilities for employment but they not doing much for me. I know they can't promise me a job, but I'm telling them issues I'm having and they not doing much to help me with the issues I'm telling them that I have for searching for a job.
Yes. This organization have been horrible almost every time they helped me. I was not focusing too much on them and still focus trying to find work with or without them.
Psychologists are only trained to deal with mental health issues. It's like there's been a mix-up, because neurologists should deal with neurological conditions. Then again, you have to go to a psychologist with your depression, and he or she is evidently incompetent on neurological issues. Maybe if you gave them a book? It's harder to argue with printed text, at least for academics.
Well it's not the point to not acknowledge your condition or it's affects and not make reasonable adjustments for you to use services your entitled to is just discrimination and it's wrong.... And when they say your condition is fake or an excuse no where in medical literature is that written so it is still wrong
This is an excellent documentary to share with people and is available free online until early September.

Watch Video | Neurotypical: Feature Films | POV | PBS

Thanks but if your not from USA PBS won't allow you to watch the video. However, me being a tech savvy person I found a way to by pass this. If anyone using Google Chome there is an Add On called Hola Better Internet. It allows you to fake what country you are in for website limits who is aloud to access content based on what country your located in.
Psychologists are only trained to deal with mental health issues. It's like there's been a mix-up, because neurologists should deal with neurological conditions.

Yeah, there is something messed up about ASDs being a neurological issue, but being diagnosed by people who only have training in psychology. I'm glad and lucky that I was able to find a neurologist who also has behavioral training for my assessment.
If you mean that people treat you like you are crazy because of autism, I get it, but you said they say it's not an "excuse", which at least implies they think you're not crazy, and in fact like they think you don't have anything at all. (Because how can any problem exist that is largely invisible to them…)
They think it's an excuse I'm saying it's not not them.... Read it carefully..... Knew people didn't get it
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