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I have problems staying on forums

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Active Member
They just become boring after a while cause I don't get any messages or notifications, don't worry I'm not leaving. I'm just saying.
This site is great for many reasons but one of them are the emojis. I think it's great how people can comment, show support, friendliness and positive reinforcement by using an emoji.
Yeah I'm gonna second what @Neonatal RRT said.

The more you participate, the more engagement (responses/notifications/messages/whatever) you're going to get. Post in existing threads (recent ones preferrably, old ones usually wont get attention when necro'ed) or make your own threads, even make a blog post, whatever.

Or even talk to people directly on here via the direct message thingy.

You get out of a forum exactly what you put into it... that's just how forums work.
I've seen this many times before and experienced myself early on. I think it has to do with unrealistic expectations.
I ebb and flow on forums like I do with all things. Make peace with changing priorities and interests and it won't be such a burden to keep up with things. Just let it be what it is.
They just become boring after a while cause I don't get any messages or notifications.....

That's why you leave forums?
Because they aren't active enough to hold your attention?

Not because you get thrown off for misbehavior, right?
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