No no no no no no no. Trust me you DO NOT want to work for currys PC World and I can promise you that if you did, you'd end up later getting let go under their performance reviews. Currys PC World only care about what accessories/Service/Warranties you can sell with a product and you're performance is largely graded on this, if you're not forceful or pushy or convincing then you don't get the addons. I got sacked from one store and then asked to re-apply by another manager when I was doing brand ambassador work in his store because of my great customer service, but customer service skills are never enough for them and I left after a year because you're under so much pressure to sell attachments (they get very little profit on products sold on their own). Places like John Lewis (which I've worked in) offer a much greater service, hell even richer sounds is more honest. I have lots more to say about currys pc world, most of it isn't good and this is first hand experience working there.