All your bases are belong to us
All I wanted to do was upgrade Gimp, and I just had to follow someone's advice on stack overflow about adding some testing repository to my apt-source list
Now I have a crap load of upgrades and some programs that needs removing and I fear that I'll run into a dependency hell, which my dad calls it when you try to install or upgrade packages but run into a loop because of unresolved dependencies :/
I hope Synaptic is good about dependencies ... Anyone knows how I could resolve this issue or could some packages be re-installed after the upgrade ?
Now I have a crap load of upgrades and some programs that needs removing and I fear that I'll run into a dependency hell, which my dad calls it when you try to install or upgrade packages but run into a loop because of unresolved dependencies :/
I hope Synaptic is good about dependencies ... Anyone knows how I could resolve this issue or could some packages be re-installed after the upgrade ?