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I know I'm an Aspie because......


Well-Known Member
I really get upset when theTV Guide starts a new day on the right hand page!!!! Don't allow ads to separate the entire listing so I have to turn the page in order to see the other half :mad:.
I cannot have even the slightest little stain on my clothes and not have the urge to change into something else.
I get overwhelmed when I come up with a well-structured plan, and other people turn it to chaos (usually without realising I had made plans at all).
2 independent psychiatrists told me I am. Also, I can hyperfocus on my Special Interests for hours at a time!
I can spend hours reading about my so called special interests, learn all i can possible remember. I usually talk about it with people like they really care, they usually bored, but i keep talking, using long words and technical terms, so to speak. Some times they think i'm pedantic when i'm just using the terms i think it's more appropriate to express what i'm saying (That's a bit odd)
There are a few things that I also have, e.g. hyper focus. I know I'm an aspie because I have sensory issues. Everything is overwhelming.

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