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I like pushing buttons

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Literally. I just really like pushing buttons. Like in elevators or on typewriters or rating posts on things. Yay buttons.:hatchedchick:
you wouldn't like the shabat( Sabbath ) lifts in israel The buttons don't work they just stop at each floor
Me too, I get really bummed out when a "button" on a device is just tapping a touch-screen or touch-screen like thing. There's sort of an immediate sense of closure when you press a button and usually hear it click or whatever.
Anything but "touchscreens". Touch my screen and there will be blood. :eek:

Just the idea of smearing one's fingerprints on a nice clean screen makes me cringe.
I saved an on/off click switch from an old motor that my son was dismantling. it'd be nice to hook it up to something but for now it lives on just because I like it.
I love bubble wrap, too! There's something really satisfying about bursting those bubbles! It's a bit like bursting acne pimples on the skin... unexplicably satisfying.
The old electric typewriters were kind of cool. A satisfying ker-thunk sound.

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