Mystic Turtles
I love silence. I mean really love it, such that when it is invaded I become frantic. Such that when I'm around an obnoxious sound, even a tiny one, I want to crawl under the carpet the get away from it. But silence. I love it. This sounds weird but when I am alone and silent it is like the silence is a muscle--something strong, essential to life, and working from within. And it's not the same as being" "alone" although generally I'm silent when with people too...and have evolved as I've turned older to be more comfortable with my own silence in the presence of others. At the same time, NT people can be so nervous around silence--I don't think autistic people are bothered quite as much by it. But I am lucky to get to have silence in my life, and at times long periods of silence. It feels so good. And it's getting easier as I've gotten older to be quiet around other people and comfortable with it, even though I can visually see people getting uncomfortable around me...and I know it is because II am saying so little, and when I do venture to say something it gets totally tangled up. There are time's when it's not as difficult but it takes REALLY knowing someone before I can talk properly around them. Sadly, a lot of potential friends can evaporate when they see you are having a hard time with connecting to them. And I haven't really met anyone yet besides other autistic people who stay--why would they want to go out for a walk together if you can't say anything, and when you do, you sometimes can say things that are bizarre. I really don't hold it against people that they need to tallk to feel normal. But I can't give that to the, and don't want to. But silence, I crave it when I don't have it. Then, Everywhere there is this cackling. Do you think it's an autistic thing to crave silence, and how do you feel about it?